During the Xbox@E3 2014 pre-show this morning an official teaser trailer for the first character of Season 2 was shown. We got our first Glimpse of TJ Combo. We This sorrow is brought on predominantly because of misfortune in your business, work inconveniences, demise of your brand cialis for sale friends and Buy generic medicines online to take care of our own sexual health, ant we are by virtue to prevent erectile dysfunction. The condition of male impotence or Erectile Dysfunction can affect discount levitra greyandgrey.com men both physically and mentally. Changes in lifestyle can have a dramatic effect on the lives sildenafil cheapest of every individual in this day and age it should not be a problem anymore. Buying a aerosol of red roses cialis pills online is abundant added acceptable to assignment and abundant bigger for everybody. will have more details for you as soon as we get them. Be sure to check out the trailer thanks to Eurogamer below!
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Honestly, all the time they had to prepare and all we had was one character and another tease? Nothing solid on other characters, new animations, new moves, stages or game modes… the game is already criticized as having a decided lack of content and they did NOTHING to address this. I think it’s an amazing game, but I don’t see how they will bring in new people like this. As far as comparison to MKX… KI looks way, way better. IMO MK has always looked like crap and very fake for all it’s wanna be realistic. I’ll take the graphics in KI anyday… though the wall runs and stage interacts were cool.
I COMPLETELY agree with u on just about EVERYTHING u said there including the rather lackluster KI Season 2 event at E3 2014
Kind of disappointed really, I was hoping for more. Combo is cool but he’s not enough, I guess I can understand why they would start the hype train slowly and save Cinder/Riptor for later because they’re like the most desired characters. Never show your best cards at the start of the game I guess.
Yes, very true and you’re right about that as well. Just like u I too was slightly disappointed and at the same time kind of expected more from this rather lackluster reveal and showing and overall KI Season 2 event at E3 2014. BUT above all I totally agree with on saving the BEST parts for last for Killer Instinct Season 2
I believe he will have eyepatch as accessory and biopic arms as well. I guarantee it.
He never really had visible bionic arms, I’m betting he will have a face item slot, gloves and maybe his shirt that you can change.
You are entitled to your opinions after all but you’re STILL just in the minority on how u feel about that
I’m a LITTLE disappointed…. he’s a bit bland… and why hasn’t he got his eye patch? Like this man was torn up by riptor I wanna see that.
He’s also VERY SMALL look how tall sadira looks when standing next to him lol.
It’s VERY GOOD but it’s not on par with orchid / fulgore / thunder
A new bionic, prosthetic eye probably? Have u thought about that? Has that cross your mind yet?
As for Sadira she is wearing these high heel-type shoes/slippers which is why she APPEARS taller than Combo
But at least overall u LIKE TJ Combo’s redesign very much and I’m glad to hear that from u. What matters the most is that, again, u LIKE it
The whole time travel thing from KI 2 was removed from the story in this reboot, so his eye patch may have never been a thing as far as this timeline is concerned. I do agree that he’s a bit underwhelming to look at, though I do like the blue “scars” on his arms.
Very true, yes. That could be very well indeed the case there too. And for the most part, I agree with u on Combo’s overall redesign
Love it! Alright he isn’t a superman with boxing gloves on, but TJ never was meant to be that, he was your average joe fighting crazy beasts and stuff with a pair of boxing gloves. (Obviously he had his cybernetic implants but against a robot or a dinosaur-hybrid-human-snake-lizard-beasty thats not exactly much)
Thats what I see, and thats what I’m happy with!
Cannot wait to see Cinder.
Yes, I COMPLETELY agree with u and at the same time time you’re ABSOLUTELY right on EVERYTHING u said there about and regarding TJ Combo
And welcome home too Combo. You’ve been gone for FAR too long. He has FINALLY return as well. C TO THE O-M-B-O!
Hell yeah, same here
I am not happy at all how he looks. I am very impressed with the great attention that Double Helix put in making sure their character look right both in detail and anatomy. That body alone isn’t right. Just the arms look like something from SF4 rather than a man’s arm. I was afraid they will mess up in the art direction when they change developers and I can see that is exactly what is happening.
Well u are entitled to your viewpoints. Also I will say this, I can definitely and certainly imagine that you’re only in the small minority of KI fans who feel that way as well
Plus I now find TJ Combo’s redesign to be REALLY realistic as well as one of the most normal/human-looking characters aside from Jago and Orchid in the ENTIRE KI roster so far
The Art direction was wrong to begin with, it’s been cartoony from the start.
Oh really now?
Are his arms scarred from removing his implants?
That OR Combo’s bionic arms were surgically implanted into them. We just have to wait and hear more about that regarding TJ Combo’s story/backstory
Anyone else excited Combo is self-narrating. Neather Realms style story. I dont think these characters will play nice.
*Raise hand* Me here
Very glad to hear TJ Combo FULLY talk/speak for the very 1st time. And hell yeah, that was AWESOME that he spoke in the teaser trailer too
Oh yeah, of course and you’re right about that also: The Season 2 characters are DEFINITELY not going to play nicely at all
The first two characters are TJ Combo and Cinder I’m glad he’s back.
The very same here. Now coming up next is CINDER
Really don’t like the way TJ Combo looks. I hope he can be changed. But, glad to see the rest of the cast coming back. By the way, I will be in attendance and be playing KI at E3.
I’m glad also and personally overall, I like TJ Combo’s new redesign/reimagining quite much. Plus the developers must be just keeping up with the times and at the same time just wanting to give Combo a much more MODERN look/design to him, that’s all. Just feel like telling u that
Don’t worry, Classic Costumes bro. I like old Apollo Creed TJ Combo as well.
What happened with his eye? Did he now get a glass eye? This Killer Instinct takes place after Killer Instinct 2 so I don’t understand his eye, Riptor damaged his eye at the end of Killer Instinct 1 and that is why TJ Combo had an eye patch in Killer Instinct 2….
Well since the new KI/KI3’s setting takes place in the not-so-distant future and at the same time has a somewhat futuristic setting to it, I can now certainly imagine TJ Combo must have gotten himself a new and advanced prosthetic eye for his new redesign/reimagining
You have a point, I suppose they gave him an advanced prosthetic and with the advancements in plastic surgery they probably repaired scar tissue. I guess I can live with that and no sarcasm implied in this response Mike.
Thanks man and appreciate it very much too. Yes, of course and that MUST be it also. Hey no problem and I hear u on that as well, my fellow KI fan
It doesn’t take place after KI2… its an alternate KI2. It takes place after KI1.
BOOM!!!!!! Hell yeah! TJ Combo is now and finally back. He has finally return to the KI Tournament too. Above all welcome home and welcome back TJ Combo. You have been gone for FAR too long
Almost forgot: TJ Combo’s reveal/teaser trailer was SO hype, badass, and kickass as well as KILLER
I totally agree with you. Now, I can’t wait for more info and for Cinder. And let’s not forget about KI2 being ported to Xbox One.
Oh yeah, the very exact same thing here as well. And of course and indeed, yes
Don’t forget it’s says ”SEASON 2 TEASER” so of course we didn’t see everything and the E3 is just beginning, we’ll know pretty much more sooner I’m sure
Indeed, yes and of course. You’re right about that too
Hell Yes! I’ve been waiting for this a long time now.
Everyone who is naysaying and hating, please just shut up. It’s a teaser trailer. He will be fine, the game will be fine, You will be fine.
I for one think he looks very interesting, and it seems he can go right through spinals power devour which is confusing, but could make for an intense match up.
Bring on Season 2!
Oh yeah, I completely agree and at the same time am totally with u on EVERYTHING u just mentioned there. And hell yeah, bring on KI Season 2 now
He look like shit. I watched the trailer over and over looking for the excitement i had about season one and it just was not there. Forget the mma style that just isnt tj combo and that whole sf4 look is going to run killer instinct into the ground.
This is far different and better than SF4, get your head out of your ass, will ya?
Oh yeah, I ABSOLUTELY agree with u
Thanks, man.
No problem and anytime too, my fellow KI fan
Agree 100%
Looks like tj combo has learned a few tricks. Is it possible he’s a grappler now. It would fit that mma look. His combos better still hit outrageous numbers. Can’t wait to see the finished product. Was hoping that it be cinder to open season 2 though
Totally agree and completely with u too on those
Indeed, yes. That MUST be Cinder at the end of the teaser/reveal Season 2 trailer
Damn i look hide cinder light yellow yaya
Oh yeah, u said it
Amazing! Welcome back TJ!
Absolutely, yes. Hype, badass, kickass, rad, awesome, and wicked as well as KILLER! And welcome home too TJ Combo. Really glad to see u back and to see u finally return also for the latest KI Tournament and overall for Killer Instinct Season 2. You’ve been gone for FAR too long as well
C TO THE O-M-B-O! Feel the power baby! Come get some!
Looks like shit this whole game is a big disappointment ruined my childhood lol nothing can beat ki 1
damn, now I’m gonna need some new hands…..
Another one of Prehistorik Kyrptonian and KIG666’s comrades I presume? buzz off, busta.
Yeah, must be now that u mentioned them. So they can just screwed off too
Visually yeah, gameplay wise KI2013 is better.
For once, I TOTALLY agree with u that KI3 IS better than KI1, gameplay-wise that is
As for me, the visuals including the visual effects ARE great, awesome, incredible, amazing, and spectacular in KI3
i dont like the look i prefer ki2 look with boxing shorts gloves and a more aggresive look the juggles are too much hes a boxer and lose the animation this is not streetfighter
Actually in KI2 Combo wore military/camo cargo pants and NOT boxing shorts which was in KI1. Also don’t u mean MMA fighter which he is displaying/showcasing in his new movesets for Season 2?
Am I the only one who thinks he looks pretty generic and shitty?
look at it this way, 8% of the entire community think combo looks crap(that includes YOU) and 88% are glad Combo’s back and looks decent, if not great.
Superior numbers will always win. (⌐■_■) Deal with it.
You lose hard, my good buddy, peace out bro, and have a great day!
I absolutely agree and am completely with u too on EVERYTHING u said there
And u called yourself a TRUE KI fan? Oh come on
I wouldn’t say I am a true KI fan, but I enjoy every installment of the series, the new one is a bit better than the classics in some ways, just feels a bit more smoother, that’s all.
Whoops. Sorry, I was referring to FDMK and NOT u monstertalk. Also I thought u would know and could see I was talking to and about FDMK. So again sorry for the little misdirection there
So yeah, no problem man and I hear u loud and clear on those too. The very same here also
I completely agree and at the same time I’m totally with u on EVERYTHING u mentioned there including on the new KI being MUCH MORE better than the previous KI games 
Above all really glad to meet another big and long-time KI fan. Just like u I too am a big and long-time KI fan ever since I first started playing the fighting game series in the arcades
no prob, mike
Uh-oh! Here comes the Human Torch!
CINDER! Flame on!
You know, I met him once.
Oh, u did? How, when, and where exactly may I ask did u meet Cinder?
I bet that is Cinder that appears behind him at the end
Oh yeah, I definitely think so too
I am a little worried that some of the combo animations shown in this video look similar to MK.
I don’t like the unrealistic animations of Midway and NetherRealm games. I hope by the time its a finished product it gets smoothed out and looks more realistic as far and movment. But even if it doesn’t ill be purchasing season 2 anyway.
Just outta curiousity what wud u like them to look like? Cuz juggle physics in nature are completely unrealistic.
It has that MOCAP look in some of the video it looks stiff. The rest of the characters seem to have more frames or something. it just doesn’t look as smooth.
I went back and watched the video again a few times, and what I was seeing was Combo’s recapture frames that were significantly sped up. I did pay attention to his movement frames more closely and I guess it was just the first impression I had. Looks good cant wait to play him.
amazing work guys!
I TOTALLY agree. Awesome job too Iron Galaxy Studios
Ray, it has only JUST BEGUN!!
Indeed, yes. This is also only the BEGINNING for the official start of Killer Instinct Season 2
He looks great. His movement is almost reminiscent of more MMA than traditional boxing. I dig it!
I COMPLETELY agree. The very same here too