We know you were all dying to see what Eagle fully looked like in all his glory after the tease earlier this week. Well the Killer Instinct team revealed Eagle with his Hero Art today.You can see him below as well as read about a few updates that were released alongside the art.
- Eagle will release later this month with Content Update 3.8
- The CU will release after E3 and after CEO (to give you proper timing expectations)
- Pricing for Eagle will be revealed later – we know what you’re thinking. No, not another Community Fund, but more details when we launch the trailer
- Speaking of the trailer, we are targeting a release during E3/CEO week – anything can happen, but we will let you know where and when to watch
- Speaking of E3, those of you awaiting a HUGE news drop during the briefing should note that our current focus is Eagle – more on that here
- We’ll reveal more around Eagle as the weeks go by. Move lists, colors, retro, etc. Keep an eye out here for information
We think he looks amazing and can’t wait to fight with him in June. Let us know what you think of his look in the comments below and get yourselves ready for his release later this month.
Prefiro a Rare anunciando seu retorno a KI do que a IG permanece anunciando temporada 4
Will Eagle get the Trailer?
Pal, the E3 event is happening right now, his trailer will be showed in question of minutes, go running to youtube or other place that is transmiting the live right now.
Here new character Pop culture
if you guys got anyidea about the name or story For character ?
elder fighter mentor based on Gouken Shujinko Gen Yoda Bo rai cho hechachi jinpachi edge master
New tsar based on viktor from underworld
Fortune teller Clairvoyant based on pyslock kitana raven mewoto Rose Ermac Kenshi jean
Merman ocean Stalker based on Street shark (mk rain) aquaman namor mer-man Abe Sapien rikuo percy jackson
Ultratech cyborg Ape based on Cessar from planet of the Ape blizzard chaos Gorilla Grood sun wukong blanka
Captian Wendigo Cannibal based on until dawn Julia & Michelle Chang Sasquatch baraka
Venom insects based on d vorha q bee Blue Beetle stun the Insects Antman
Poison mutant plant based on pison Ivy Triffid Axle the red Plantman swamp thing
Detective leader of armed FBI based on sherlock holmes batman roachcers John Constantine captain boomerang Columbo inspector gadget neo from matrix
Mad scientist ultratech based on James morsty dr doom quin chi dr doom mister sinister Victor frankinstien dr jekyll Mr hyde Albert wesker dr octopus
Ultratech Gunslinger based on Judge Dreed Erron Black deadshot punisher Kurtis Stryker lone ranger oclett
Serial killer with crime mask based on Kano (dcJoker) ( marvel bullseye) Violator sweet tooth jerek
Blonde agent based on Sonya blade black widow nina William Cammy white jill valantine Black covenry.
Rock Star based on Johnny cage Fei long Paul phoenix Kiss David Bowie dan Hibiki.
Windcloud Djinn based on ( mk Fujin) (mk smoke) Genie prince of perisa Tronadus Red Tornado Sinbad Aladdin.
Cyberpunk speedster based on the flash sonic Quicksilver Kabal Kamen Rider Drive, Kamen Rider Accel (Trial).
Tengu based on Hawkman Archangel Falcon Wolverine Vulture Night owl Olcadan Shadow hawk.
Thunder god/omnipotence superhero based on Superman Shazam (mk Raiden) Onslaught Magento Kotal Kahn hyperion Thor Jason grace thundurus (kallark gladiator).
wizard based on merlin harry potter Zaranta Harry Houdini Gandalf, Dumbledore.
Wrestler luchador mexico based on Zangief King Greig Marduk (Kof Raiden) El future Armor king Bane Kane and other wwe wrestler character.
War goddess/valkyrie based on wonder woman Storm Xmen ashrah Supergirl.
Zombies shapslifter based on salom grundy Meat nemesis Twelve sf Mokujin.
Voddo Priest zangbeto based on mk kai Eddie grudo Voodoo Deejay Christie martero.
Samurai. Sliver samurai Kenshi sodom Bishamon Yoshimitsu.
Cyborg Ninja based on Yoshimitsu ryu hayabusa snake eye power rangers ken master Kung Lao teenage mutant ninja turtles (Mgs Raiden) Grey fox.
Werebeast based on Kintaro Goro
Immortal Gladiator based on archilles
Chemelion dinosaur second Command of Riptor
Deadly Dracolich based on nercosan
Warrior centaur based on mortaro
Medusa queen of Eyedol
Minatour Second Command of Eyedol
Banshee based on Sindel sliver banshee
lovecraftian monster from Apocalypse
And also Stage and music for the character?
Stop, no one cares. Either your trolling or a complete idiot with your long pointless posts.
Get over yourself
Travis Go fuck Yourself tough guy
Não vai ser nada anunciado sobre temporada 4 na E3! Nada se fala a respeito de temporada 4, apenas de Eagle. As informações ditas são “quem sabe no futuro” apenas isso.
I hope we see Season 4 or other New character
Season 4 with 6-8 characters, all of them are teased on Shadow Lords arquives.
He dose remind me of Green Arrow Hawkeye and Night wolf and Kung Jin
And this art is amazing he look like turok
A native American Cyborg archer
Bom, acho que já posso afirmar que não teremos uma temporada 4, talvez seja melhor assim.
O que eu espero de verdade é que a IG deixe o comando de KI.
Espero KI voltando logo mais com um novo jogo um modo história completo e com outra atmosfera de jogo como lá em 1994, e deixar esse estilo street fighter de lado
Eagle está agradável!
Espero KI temporada 4 na E3, isso sim.
Killer Instinct meets Tron. Now that is sweet, wicked, rad, and gnarly
Hey michael sup long time no see been busy see what’s been going on with KI great hope it continues to grow I missed the community very almost died last year with illness but im back hope to see more of eagle an gameplay and maybe an anoucement of an season 4
Looks pretty cool… and yeah, he kinda looks like Turok :p
Ta parecido com o Turok kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk