Highlights From The Killer Instinct Stream 07/31/14

Today Iron Galaxy showed us some Killer Instinct during their Tender Moments with Team IGS stream this week. Though there are few of them below are the highlights from the stream:

  • Plans seems to be that Killer Instinct will be more than 2 seasons
  • This more than 2 season plan is why there will be more new characters and less returning in Season 2, need to save some for later
  • No guest characters in Season 2 (no Battletoad, no Banjo or Kazooie)
  • Oldest character from Season 2 is about 3500 years old
  • Be sure to vote on twitter if you want Adam Heart to reveal what Dave Lang is beast at and will take your money at

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About Amir Abdollahi

Co-founder/Writer For Killer Instinct Central