KI Gold – Killer Instinct Season 2’s Microtransaction Feature

Today in Adam Isgreen’s Textual Stream we got a lot of new information. One of the new bits of info was a new microtransaction system being implemented into Killer Instinct called “KI Gold”.

While all non-premium accessories are available by leveling (i.e. for free), we’re also going to be offering a way to shortcut the level requirements of some accessories and colors through an in-game currency that you only purchase with real money called, appropriately, KI Gold. So if you really want color 6, but don’t want to wait to level up to get it, you can buy KI Gold and spend it on the color instead of leveling up and getting it for free. For those that don’t buy the S2 ultra edition, KI gold is the new way you’ll also buy the premium accessories if you choose to do so – you don’t buy them directly any longer.

Note that you get a much better deal buying the Ultra Edition than you do buying the accessories individually, just like last season.

And since we believe that there should be badges of honor that you absolutely must earn, things such as color 9 are ONLY available through leveling.

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This will be very cool for people who don’t have a lot of time to level up certain characters but really want to fight with a color they really love with their favorite character. Be on the lookout for this in Season 2!


About Amir Abdollahi

Co-founder/Writer For Killer Instinct Central