The advanced and deadlier successor to the original Fulgore cyborg destroyed by Jago. Activated after the time jump, its final Ultratech commands are executed… find Jago and kill him.
Name | Fulgore |
Age | Unknown |
Height | 6’5″ |
Weight | 560 lbs. |
Occupation | Cyborg |
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Even before the Mk. I prototype in the vastly expensive Fulgore project was completed, the scientists at Ultratech were working frenziedly on an updated version. When the original met its match at the hands of Jago, its creator was enraged and set about beating a single directive into the Mk. II’s circuitry, turning it into a single-minded predator and an even more deadly foe than its predecessor. Unfortunately for Jago, not even the timejump has the power to stop it now.
Cyber Dash: Quarter Back, Down, Quarter Forward, Medium Kick, Fierce Kick [Great Opener]
Eye Laser: Quarter Forward, Down, Quarter Back, Medium Punch, Fierce Punch [Great Opener]
Laser Storm: Down, Quarter Forward, Forward, Any Punch
Fake Laser Storm: Down, Quarter Back, Back, Quick Punch
Eye Laser: Quarter Forward, Down, Quarter Back, Fierce Punch, Medium Punch
Plasma Slice: Forward, Down, Quarter Forward, Any Punch
Electro Flect: Down, Quarter Back, Back, Hold Quick Kick
Air Double: Forward, Down, Quarter Forward, Punch
Parry Move: Back Plus Hold Quick Punch
Pressure Move: Back, Fierce Punch
Special Moves
Combo Breaker: Forward, Down, Quarter Forward, Punch or Kick
Ultra Combo Breaker: Down, Quarter Back, Back, Quarter Back, Down, Quarter Forward, Forward, Fierce Punch [Requires 6 Super Bar Blocks]
Mini Ultra Combo: Forward, Down, Quarter Forward, Quick Punch
Ultra Combo: Forward, Down, Quarter Forward, Quick Kick
Ultimate Combo: Forward, Back, Quarter Back, Down, Quarter Forward, Forward, Medium Kick
0-Ultimate Combo: Back, Quarter Back, Down, Quarter Forward, Forward, Back, Medium Punch
Super Moves
Inviso: Forward, Quarter Forward, Down, Quarter Back, Back, Fierce Kick [Uses Super Power As You Move]
Lock On: Back, Quarter Back, Down, Quarter Forward, Forward, Quick Kick [Requires 1 Super Bar Block]
Triple Laser Storm: Back, Quarter Back, Down, Quarter Forward, Forward, Quick Punch [After Lock On]
Air Eye Laser: Quarter Forward, Down, Quarter Back, Fierce Punch [Requires 1 Super Bar Block]
Plasmaport: Back, Down, Quarter Back, Any Punch Or Kick [Requires 1 Super Bar Block]
Super Electro Flect: Quarter Forward, Down, Quarter Back, Forward, Quick Kick [Requires 3 Super Bar Blocks]
Super Cyber Dash: Quarter Back, Down, Quarter Forward, Back, Fierce Kick [Requires 3 Super Bar Blocks]
End Specials
End Special 1: Quarter Back, Down, Quarter Forward, Medium Kick, Fierce Kick. Fierce Kick
End Special 2: Quarter Forward, Down, Quarter Back, Medium Punch, Fierce Punch, Fierce Punch
End Special 3: Down, Quarter Forward, Forward, Any Punch, Medium Punch
End Special 4: Forward, Down, Quarter Forward, Any Punch, Fierce Punch
End Special 5: Forward, Down, Quarter Forward, Quick Punch [After First 4 Enders]
No Mercy: Half Circle Forward, Back Plus Medium Punch
Kill Jago And Orchid: Defeating Gargos has opened the way towards a new and more Robot controlled Ultratech. Fulgore’s program has run its course. The vengeance of Ultratech is complete with the death of Jago. All of Ultratech’s enemies have fallen. Now none stand in the way of their deadliest weapon. Bent on armageddon, Fulgore builds his robotic army. A doomed Earth will soon fall to a merciless enemy.
Kill Jago But Not Orchid: Defeating Gargos has opened the way towards a new and more Robot controlled Ultratech. Fulgore’s program has run its course. The vengeance of Ultratech is complete with the death of Jago. But other spared enemies lie in wait, eager to grasp vengeance and finish it once and for all. Although Fulgore rebuilds Ultratech, Orchid takes a warning to the future. A deadly strike by agents soon ends the Ultratech threat forever.
Kill Orchid But Not Jago: Defeating Gargos has opened the way towards a new and more Robot controlled Ultratech. Fulgore’s task lies incomplete and his deadly nemesis is still alive. The error of sparing his nemesis is soon apparent. Jago tracks down Fulgore for a final confrontation. Building modes of cyborgs, Fulgore fights an epic battle against the army raised by his nemesis. A final epic confrontation is inevitable. The fate of the world rests on the outcome…
Kill Neither Jago Nor Orchid: Defeating Gargos has opened the way towards a new and more Robot controlled Ultratech. Fulgore’s task lies incomplete and his deadly nemesis is still alive. The combined might of Jago and Orchid assails Fulgore. The price of failure is a high one. Fulgore’s failure and destruction at the hands of Jago and Orchid has sealed the fate of Ultratech.
Was well placed to matter, because many do not know or think that the two are one and not another different version. Could change the image of this beginning, I believe that would be best. Big hug!
Big hug!