A Killer Kabinet For You!
If you’ve ever wanted your own Killer Instinct arcade cabinet, then in the future you’ll finally have the opportunity to grace your living room, bedroom, garage, or wherever with the sounds C-C-C-Combo Breaker reverberating from your walls! Arcade 1up announced today that they will be adding a KI Arcade Cabinet to their ever growing collection of cabinets for you to purchase. The cabinet will include the classic Killer Instinct arcade game as well as Killer Instinct 2, the arcade version of Battletoads, and Battletoads/Double Dragon. Not bad, right?
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Details on pricing has yet to be announced, but going by the prices of other cabinets they sell, I’d expect a price range of around $500. We’ll have more details to share on the official price as well as the release date and pre-order information as it becomes available. Stay tuned!
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