Killer Instinct – Season 2 Launch Update Patch Notes

Today Alex Jebailey, the Community Manager for Iron Galaxy Studios, released the official update patch notes for Season 2. Check it out on the ultra-combo forums or here below:

System Changes:

• Shadow Projectiles that used to count as Enders are no longer able to cash out damage. This
includes Jago’s Shadow Endokuken, Fulgore’s Shadow Energy Blast, Spinal’s Shadow Searing
Skull, and Orchid’s Shadow Ichi Ni San.
• If you use a Counter Breaker, any of your active projectiles will be destroyed. No more using
lingering projectiles for safe Counter Breakers!
• Some characters could counter break from projectile specials that were not breakable. This has
been fixed.
• Fixed a bug that let you tech out of throws during trip guard (your landing recovery from a jump


• Fixed a bug that was causing the 2nd projectile in a double endokuken to have the same data as
the first, resulting in longer than intended hitstun.


• Fixed a bug that was preventing Sabrewulf’s Heavy Hamstring linker from letting him pass into
the corner.
• Fixed a bug that allowed Sabrewulf to use a Feral Cancel to exit a successful counter breaker
before it hit, leading to frozen and strange animation states.
• Fixed a bug that made Leaping Slash and Hamstring openers unbreakable if used after a jump-in
• It is no longer possible to avoid breaker windows by using a Feral Cancel.


• This cool customer didn’t get any direct changes/fixes.


• Fixed a bug that caused Shadow Enders to have lower priority than regular Enders, making you
miss them sometimes.
• Fixed a bug that caused Call of Sky’s lightning bolt to hit 4 frames earlier than intended. This
move should be possible to dash-dodge with some characters now.


• Sadira’s juggle normals now cause less KV, giving you a bit more freedom in your juggle combo
• Fixed a bug that let Sadira circumvent the new “No instinct cancels from enders” rule.
• Fixed a bug preventing Shadow VFX from firing during Shadow Wall Cling.
• Fixed a bug that let Sadira use pre-jump frames to trigger an Ender during Instinct without a
double, manual, or linker before it, which could lead to blocked Enders.
• Fixed a bug preventing Sadira from using Shadow Wall Cling in a combo.


• Reduced damage on opener Ichi Ni San strings. These hit like 3 heavy specials in a row
unbreakable and lead to very high one-chance-break damage.
• Fixed a bug that prevented Orchid from using a counter breaker during landing after a jumping
opener attack.
• Fixed a bug that let the explosion from a grenade lock up the game or hit repeatedly.
• Fixed a bug preventing Orchid from using Heavy Slide linker after an opener Slide when
performed late.
• Fixed a bug that caused the grenade’s explosion hitbox to stay active much longer than


• Fixed a bug that caused Divekick to knockdown instead of ground bounce in certain situations.
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• Fixed a bug that prevented Fulgore from using a counter breaker during landing after a jumping
opener attack.
• Fixed a bug that prevented Light linkers from blowing out the way other character’s do.
• The kara cancel window for Shadow Plasmaport was still looking for the old input motion of this
move, causing you to miss this input fairly often. Fixed!
• Devastation Beam is no longer breakable as a linker to keep it in line with other Shadow

TJ Combo:

• Fixed a bug that caused TJ to overlap other characters in an unintended way during TJ Tumble.
• Previously, TJ’s Barrage Ender would always deal damage similar to a Lv3 damage ender. It now
deals additional damage at Lv4.
• Fixed a game freezing bug that could happen if TJ was hit out of certain Enders.
• Vortex used to add most of the KV, and Cyclone would add very little. It is now more evenly
• Fixed a bug that caused extra hits of Punching Bag to go off without button presses during
Instinct Mode.
• Changed which attack TJ uses after a counter breaker. He now uses Medium Flying Knee.
• Fixed a bug preventing Shadow VFX from firing on some of TJ’s Shadow moves.
• Made the pushbox on Powerline Hit wider to avoid TJ situationally passing through opponents in
the corner if they attack at the same time.

Known Issues

These are known issues we are actively working on for our November update.

• General – Text truncation and overlap in some areas of the UI.
• General – Menu overlap under certain conditions in some areas of the UI.
• Store – Stated prices for Ultra Edition and Combo Breaker Pack in the in-game store pop-up
messages are reversed. Actual prices are accurate in the Xbox Store and when the transaction
goes through.
• Profile Card – Wrong Gamertag and Profile Card are displayed after switching profiles while
viewing Concept Art.
• Survival – Players Health Bar and Shadow Meter from last win carry over to new Survival Session
after a loss.
• Practice – Selecting a Theme purchased with KI Gold in Practice Mode disables the Themes
• Arcade – Player’s costume in the Arcade ladder screen is default when the player is wearing a
retro costume.
• Accessories – No button/stick callout for character model rotation in character customization.
• Store – Player Card does not update KI Gold after purchasing more from the Store until the Store
is left.
• Replays – Scrolling past the bottom replay shows the next appearing replay with incorrect
fighters initially.
• Fight Challenges -The Fight Challenges briefly display identical information for multiple rows
after quickly navigating the menu.
• Accessories – Some characters move in a circle instead of pivoting in the center when rotating
them in Accessories.
• Gameplay UI – Profile icons are missing during gameplay.
• Meld – Disconnecting the controller while in any menu will cause the Community Meld blade to
• Fight Challenges – Scrolling through fight challenges will not update themselves until you stop
• Remap Controls – Player 2 cannot press menu after Player 1 selects “Remap Controls” from the
Character Select screen in Local Play.
• Pause Menu – After Player 1 closes the pause menu using [Menu] in Local Play, two “Quit”
options will be present on the pause menu when Player 2 opens the pause menu.
• Replays – After a player has paged up in Fight Replays the wrong replay will get set as Favorite.


About Amir Abdollahi

Co-founder/Writer For Killer Instinct Central