Today Adam Isgreen gave us a textual stream with tons of new info on Killer Instinct since an official stream hasn’t been done in a few weeks. Below is what he posted on the official Killer Instinct forums.
Hi everyone,
Since we haven’t done a stream in a few weeks, I figured I would post an update about what’s going on with KI on our official forums instead.
What we’re up to:
- TJ is in final polishing. New stance, facial animations… he’s closer to Thunder height-wise now
- Maya is a beast. Like Keits and I have said, she’s a risk/reward character, but not in the low health/fast attack way you may be used to.
- Maya is taller in-game than I had in the EVO slide deck. She’s about 6’2″
- Maya’s order of monster hunters is Incan in origin, but she herself is not Incan. Her parents were Brazilian, and her lineage is from South and Central American cultures.
- Maya is multilingual, so expect that in her dialogue.
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And since I can’t do live Q&A, here’s some random spattering of replies to forum comments:
- We’re aware of the freezing issues some people are having. Expect a patch in the near future with a bunch of improvements and fixes.
- A balance / tuning update will be coming around S2 start. More on that in the coming weeks!
- There is no time travel involved in the new KI story, so much like Maya, IF we bring back any characters that had origins in the past, they will be updated with new backstories, but preserve their gameplay style and unique focus.
- If/when we reveal Kim Wu, she will be of Korean or Korean/Chinese heritage (which should it be?).
- If/when we reveal Riptor, she would prefer you address her gender properly.
And for fun and to stir speculation, here’s a few tidbits of things coming…
- The shortest character this season is 5’4″!
- The next character to be revealed is one new to KI
NOTE: My If/when comments should be taken only as basic aspects that we’ve agreed on for those characters in high concept, not that they’re “confirmed” or in any way promised to return in S2 or whenever.
5′ 4″ sounds about the height of a Raptor…
What are u talking about? Riptor is over 7’0 by now
They pratically confirmed every character except for Tusk! Lol.
Oh Tusk is going to be confirmed later on and real soon too. Just u wait ๐
Whoa, Maya is 6’2 now 0o0. Maya is going to be multilingual, sweet ๐ I somehow knew she is going to be speaking different languages in Season 2 including Spanish and Portuguese as well as English. “Her parents were Brazilian, and her lineage is from South and Central American cultures”. EVEN MORE awesome and cool as well as interesting ๐
No time travel theme in the new KI; of course, yes
Why not? I will now go with Kim Wu being Korean ๐
Ah, so it is now officially AND finally confirmed: Riptor is a SHE and overall a FEMALE. That is perfectly fine and cool with me as I now decided to go with Riptor being a FEMALE ๐
“The next character to be revealed is one new to KI” Sweet! Very nice! ULTRA cool, awesome, rad, and kickass! I can hardly wait to see this all-new KI character finally be revealed for and in KI Season 2 ๐
Overall I’m so ULTRA excited and hyped already for the official arrival and release of Killer Instinct Season 2 ๐
P.S. BTW where is Mick Gordon already? Has Mick been confirmed whether he is coming back or not or STILL not yet?
haha mike you make me laugh lol but anyway Maya will speak English an yes shes tall we haven’t had an tall female character yet in K.I and mick is confirmed their just holding alot back for an surprise everybody ive been wondering about stage ultra or no mercy’s what exactly how their going to approach on whats going to happen in game play
Hey Nathan, welcome back. Haven’t seen u in a while now ๐ Is it basically because of my SUPER enthusiasm and excitement as well as hype for KI Season 2 including Mick Gordon and Maya, yes? ๐
Oh yes, of course Maya WILL speak English also and is NOW tall ๐ Yes, let’s hope Mick Gordon is officially confirmed too on his return to Season 2. Yeah, I have been wondering about the Ultimates and Stage Ultras for Season 2 myself pretty much ๐
If Maya speak Portuguese and Spanish that’s very stereotypical. And how can she have Brazilian parents and Inca origins at the same time? Brazil has nothing to do with Inca people.
Now the developers did say that Maya is going to be multilingual meaning, of course, she will be speaking other languages BESIDES and at the same time INCLUDING/ALONG WITH Portuguese and Spanish. Heck, I can even imagine Maya speaking any of the various and diverse indigenous Indian languages/dialects including Quiche and Mayan that are AND still spoken in South and Central America today
Also according to the developers if u look/read more closely AND again, Maya herself is NOT Incan but the order of monster hunters to which she belongs to and overall a member of is of Incan origin
Yeah, I understand that. But, I can’t agree that Maya speaks Portuguese and Spanish or others languages, including Quiche. Brazil has nothing to do about Spanish and these other languages.
The real problem is, and you may not know that Brazilians were portrayed in movies and even games speaking Spanish so many times, that this is very offensive for us. So, let’s say, Maya will speak Portuguese and Spanish in the game. That will bring bad memories for us.
I hope you understand my point of view.
Wow. Really? I had no idea nor did I noticed until u told me those things. Well we do know and understand that Portuguese and Spanish are VERY similar to each other and overall VERY similar languages. So that must be why the game developers have mixed up as well as confused these two languages because, again, they do sound VERY similar after all especially to the untrained ears :/
Yes, and I talked with Brazilians fans of Killer Instinct and they don’t like the idea of Maya being multilingual. I’d understand if Maya in the game speaks Portuguese and English, but me and my fellow Brazilians will not like Maya speaking Portuguese, Spanish and indigenous languages. Because to us, this is stereotype and a little bit racist too.
Ah, I understand what you’re saying now. I hear u on that too. So overall u would rather have Maya speak JUST English and NOT have her be multilingual including speaking Portuguese and Spanish in Season 2, correct?
Exactly! I’m glad you understand my point of view.
Yes, I thought as much. Gotcha too
Though I now have to say the developers DID say that Maya is going to be multilingual AND is to be expected in and at the same time it is now officially confirmed for KI Season 2, so what can we can do about it? :/
Well, let’s hope that Maya speaks Portuguese and English.
But, anyway, I know that Season 2 it’s going to be awesome, just by the fact that Maya have Brazilian parents, it’s alright and awesome.
Oh yeah, I TOTALLY agree with u including Maya having Brazilian parents ^_^ Now would u like/want Maya to speak with an accent even?
Yes, it would be nice!
Cool. Me too. I quite agree on that also
Hell yeah! Ah yeah! Oh yeah! Yes! These are ULTRA cool, awesome, amazing, rad, and kickass infos and details on and for Season 2 and overall KI news. I can’t wait till and I can hardly contain my excitement too when KI Season 2 officially arrives and releases real soon ๐
Hopefully Cinder is 5’4″. Flame on fellow posters!
Wait. He’s THAT short? Wow. I had no idea
Kim wu is 5ยด4 .. Wellcome
That’s exactly what I was going to say. Somebody with that kind of heritage and also being female leads me to believe Kim Wu as well.
I would now imagine her to be actually around 5’6 or 5’7 in Season 2 ๐
Season 2 is going to be sweet !!!
Oh yeah! You said it! You betcha too! ๐