UPDATE: Our good friend Mike Robles has informed the KI community on NeoGAF that since the challenge started late we will have until June 15th to complete the challenge. Also if you have already defeated Eyedol with two characters you are all set and do not need to beat Eyedol again. They will be looking at your achievements to determine if it is complete or not.
ORIGINAL STORY: You ready for your next Pin Ultimate challenge? Well here is how to complete it!
Pin Ultimate fans, this month’s pin challenge rewards you with the awesome Firecat pin!
Here’s how you can get one:
Remember that Pin challenges only apply to owners of the KI Pin Ultimate Edition
Defeat Eyedol in Killer Instinct Classic with ANY 2 characters (unlock the achievement for defeating Eyedol with that character).
Wait for us to email you a promo code, mid June.
Easy enough, right?Finally, be on the lookout for Penny Arcade’s great rendition of Orchid, our next character pin, available for purchase later this month as well.
Good luck!
Source: http://playxbla.com/killer-instinct-pin-ultimate-edition-may-pin-challenge/
Challenge done son! Bring on the next one!! >:)
Finally got a reply regarding the fight stick pin. They said there will be an announcement soon regarding purchasing that pin and the whole “being a month late” thing. So yea, feeling better about it.
Awesome. I’ve been asking everyone about it for a month. Guess they are getting tired of the questions.
I bet any amount of money that Classic Fulgore will come out later today.
I got him with Cinder using the flipkick. never used Combo but will try. Thanks
I miss the TheHonestHippo. He was on point with challenges. We aren’t late,we completely skipped April and Sadira. Why can’t he just acknowledge that and give us a reason instead of ignoring us?
Saw a picture on twitter of the pax east fightstick pin under April’s spot in the book. So I’m guessing Sadira isn’t available yet and they’re saying April = the fight stick pin. Which is bullshit! I bought the pin edition day one and because I couldn’t afford to fly out to pax east I can’t complete the challenge and they aren’t selling the pin? Sooo freaking mad right now!! Tempted to throw that book in the trash or sell it etc. Freaking Microsoft!!
I can’t waited at e3 it’s going to be good ki3 get a new update an new an returned characters it going to be great
Well I don’t got ultimate pin I got the ultra edition I beat the mess out of eyedol
So we’re going to ignore April and sadira pins? What is happening with those? We go from March with thunder immediately to may with orchid? This isn’t cool, I would love to know who to talk to about this issue. Sadira is my favorite and she’s being skipped along with April’s challenge. WTF!?!?!?
When did they say Sadira was the April Pin? They would have at least teased an image. They never officially quoted the FIGHTSTICK Pin as the April Challange pin either. We all assume it is. It most likely is but if you look closely at the official announcements in the game they never say April challange. And the character pins don’t really need to coincide with every month since its only the names listed on that side of the booklet. I’m sure they are working on a way to even things out if the April character pin was actually skipped though.
I wanted the character itself, not the tiger!
I would rather have separate!
They are separate. The fire cat is the challange pin for May and the Character Pin for purchase is Orchid. They haven’t shown an image of her pin yet.
I still have not gotten any of my pins that I have won.I have the Killer Instinct Pin Ultimate Edition.
Have you been checking your email you signed up with for the codes they should have emailed you?
Yes I have been checking my e-mails and still no codes for the pins that I have won.
I cant beat Eyedol
Hey bro use tj combo and keep a long distance wait for him to jump and do his run punch charge back then forward fierce punch and cinder the same thing
Awesome pin for Orchid