New Killer Instinct Info On Classic Costumes, Online Lobbies, Spinal Gameplay And More!

There was quite a bit of new information gathered from Thursday’s Killer Instinct stream with Play XBLA. As always, the community bombarded the developers with questions and they promptly answered as much as they could/were allowed to. Here’s the highlights…

  • Spinal gameplay footage won’t likely be coming until January, the same month he will be released.
  • Shadow Jago will most certainly be updated to feature his own unique moveset.
  • The game is currently meeting the team’s expectations in regards to sales. They encourage people to continue to play and purchase as a Season Two is still not guaranteed.
  • There will eventually be online lobbies.
  • When the Classic Costumes become available, they will not need to be unlocked. Access to them will be granted immediately.
  • Each Classic Costume will feature six different colors and three sets of accessories.
  • The story mode is “arcade with a story” and “very close to how the original Killer Instinct was”

So what do you all think about the new information! Anything in particular excite you? Comment and let us know!


About Daniel Durock

Founder/Writer For Killer Instinct Central. SAG-AFTRA Actor Since 2017! Twitter: @danieldurock