There was quite a bit of new information gathered from Thursday’s Killer Instinct stream with Play XBLA. As always, the community bombarded the developers with questions and they promptly answered as much as they could/were allowed to. Here’s the highlights…
- Spinal gameplay footage won’t likely be coming until January, the same month he will be released.
- Shadow Jago will most certainly be updated to feature his own unique moveset.
- The game is currently meeting the team’s expectations in regards to sales. They encourage people to continue to play and purchase as a Season Two is still not guaranteed.
- There will eventually be online lobbies.
- When the Classic Costumes become available, they will not need to be unlocked. Access to them will be granted immediately.
- Each Classic Costume will feature six different colors and three sets of accessories.
- The story mode is “arcade with a story” and “very close to how the original Killer Instinct was”
So what do you all think about the new information! Anything in particular excite you? Comment and let us know!
release on PC via Steam for more users then I think they’ll be able to continue making seasons.
Killer Instinct is going to be Xbox One exclusive
What nonsense is that? The second season will not be released. All that I waited for is second season. Cinder and Riptor + Combo and Tusk, who returned after 20 years of waiting
Yeah, I know right?
Double Helix MUST and SHOULD release Season 2 of Killer Instinct. They BETTER too or we will be very UPSET and our wait for a new KI will have been in vain as well as mostly for nothing
What do u mean Season 2 is still not guaranteed? Also I was hoping we would be able to see Spinal’s gameplay as well as Fulgore’s reveal this month but then again that would make plenty of sense to see Spinal’s gameplay next month in January and Fulgore’s gameplay in March, respectively, and overall for next year in 2014. But at the same time I am willing to wait a bit longer so that Double Helix can still work on as well as update each of the characters’ new designs and movesets. So other than those particular details the overall news and info are great, awesome, and excellent as well as welcomed news for us KI fans including the die-hard ones. Plus I am very glad to hear that Killer Instinct is doing very well both in sales and gameplays. Now the contents and features I am most looking forward to in Killer Instinct are the Story/Arcade Mode, Spinal’s gameplay, Fulgore’s gameplay, Shadow Jago’s own new unique movesets, and Season 2 as well as the other characters’ (both old and new) new reveals and gameplays
I mean, we want to see Kim, Tusk, Riptor, Maya, CInder, Riptor, Eyedol, Gargos and 1 more mysterious character so badly as downloadable character we shall purchase. Can’t wait to see Shadow Jago movements has to be sinister, and different style, Spinal in January release, and Fulgore in March release.
What do they mean Season 2 wouldn’t be guaranteed? I still want the characters in season 2 so bad other than 8 characters which were released
I agree with the Mike guy, There wouldn’t be much of a point to purchase KI if no season 2 characters cuz I too am counting on Riptor making an appearance and the Pin Ultimate Edition would be a joke!
Ya the need to do season 2 that’s the only reason I got the Xbox one was killer instinct and they need to add cinder a must and riptor also and some new characters and if they don’t do season two then that means that the pin set everyone bought won’t be worth it at all great game make season 2 thanks
Actually they said KI is ‘doing well’ and they are ‘happy with how it’s selling’ they also said ‘the more people that play and buy, the faster there will be a Season 2’
They never said ‘Season 2 is not guaranteed
Needed a story mode like MK or Injustice.
The MUST release a second season. Lot of buyers counted on it.
I agree second season is a must. Story like injustice?….nah. KI do what you do….
Killer Instinct is the greatest fighter in years, I really hope they make season 2, it would be upsetting if they don’t add more classic characters like Cinder & Riptor. Great job by double helix!
I’m with you vinny the only reason I bought my xbox was Killer Instinct also
Wen is classic costume out…. i hope they do a session 2 as the only reason I got an xbox was for killer instinct
Except for the “Season 2 still not guaranteed” part, it’s all good news!