Creative Director, Adam Isgreen, had some very fun and interesting things to say about Season 3 during yesterday’s Killer Instinct Top 32 Killers Finale stream. We have the highlights below for your readying enjoyment!
- Adam is super happy about Season 2 and the amazing work that Iron Galaxy produced.
- The team is always talking about what the next community fund could go towards.
- Also talks of adding another Shadow character. Not definite but always a possability.
- If there was another community fund, what would you like it to go for? Let us know in the comments below!
- Lots of diverse music this season ranging from super orchestral, choir pieces to electronica.
- In regards to the PC version of Killer Instinct, you can crank the resolution up crazy high. Can see lots of details you couldn’t see before.
- It will still run at 60fps.
- Whole roster for season is locked down. Every fighter is known.
- There will be another guest character other than Rash from Battletoads.
- The guest characters are designed to be really faithful to the original character.
- Tusk and Kim Wu will be in Season 3. They will also have retro costumes.
- Very difficult to bring back Eyedol. Very cheap character with very simple moves.
- There most likely will not be another character beta. As Season 3 is becoming more complete it would be too difficult to pull out one character to beta test as the characters and moves rely more heavily on each other.
- Two characters that are from prior seasons will be re-worked. Their set ups and how they gain meter will be different.
- It is confirmed that these two characters are not Glacius or Aganos though these two will have some updates.
- A retro stage is always a possibility. Nothing in the works right now. If you want a retro stage or something similar let MS and IG know!
- Choosing to work on a new move, new ultimate or new retro stages it comes down to budget unfortunately.
- New modes coming to Killer Instinct.
- Currently Shadow Jago is the only one with an Ultimate but the future is unclear…might be more characters with it or not.
- The Xbox One Season 3 and PC version of Killer Instinct will launch at the same time in March 2016.
- Season 3 will be launching with more than 2 characters.
- Dojo mode in Killer Instinct will be updated.
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You can hear the interview with Adam yourself here around the 04:08:00 mark:
here’s something else that no one else has considered. if this specific character is not going to be a guest character, how about giving one of the female characters (let’s say B Orchid for example) an outfit skin of The Dark Queen? how bad ass, sexy, & awesome would it be for B Orchid to be dressed as The Dark Queen while battling Rash? let thank image sink in for a minute.
aside from the others things I’ve mentioned above, I do think some of the classic stages should return. hell, if I think they should fix the story to connect with KI2 (as they should, it would but stupid for them not to), then why not bring back classic stages? why not bring back Stage Finishers? or No Mercy’s? or both Eyedol & Gargos? if they can bring back the classic characters, their themes (thanks to the mighty Mick Gordon), and even Chris Sutherland as the voice announcer, then there’s absolutely no reason to do any of these things we’ve all just mentioned.
even the whole Eyedol & Gargos excuse makes no sense if you think about the fact that they were able to create Aganos. that’s just as lazy as an excuse in saying they can’t bring in Conker as a guest character because he’s too small when SSB got away with that for over a decade. if they can create a rather large character such as Aganos, then there’s no real reason why they can’t bring back Eyedol & Gargos too. especially Gargos since they were building him up with some of the characters in story mode. why would you build up a character if you’re not going to use him? as Gaming Sins would say: “details man, they are important.”
I think Iron Galaxy is doing a great job with the Killer Instinct franchise and finally giving us what we wanted such as Classic KI1, KI2, & KI action figures (which is about damn time, I hope they make more. maybe classic KI action figures further down the road? keeping fingers crossed). however, it shouldn’t be difficult to do any of these things that is mentioned. especially if the fans keep asking for it over and over again. that’s the definition of supply & demand.
Seria bem melhor fazer um instinto assassino 3 com a essência de KI 1 e KI 2 e seguir a história !!
O que o personagem Rash tem a ver com instinto assassino??, nada a ver !!!
Instinto assassino tem muito a oferecer , ta faltando criatividade ou relaxo por parte dos criadores !!!
E já que fizeram um remake do jogo é obrigatório trazer Eyedol e Gargos de volta em respeito aos veteranos que jogam desde 1994 !!!!
I think one thing they really need to do is fix the story. despite what Iron Galaxy has said, you can’t just simply gloss over the connections between KI 2 since the traces are already there since Season 1. they even tried to pretend that Fulgore is the 2nd model even though it’s cited as Type-03. beyond that, there are still 2 major traces of the connection with KI2 that either IC forgot about or they chose to ignore even though it’s still in the game.
1 – Sabrewulf removed his cybernetic arms that were originally featured in KI2. it says and I quote: Having endured agonizing procedures to remove his freakish cybernetic implants, Sabrewulf feels no closer to reclaiming his humanity. Barely clinging to sanity, he nurses an addiction to ancient medicines and artifacts which seem to slow his descent into savagery.
2 – Jago’s story implies that the reveal of the tiger spirit that was set up in KI1 was Gargos which was expanded in KI2 is now the cause for why Shadow Jago & Omen exists in the first place. his story is as follows: After a lifetime devoted to purity and discipline, Jago is tortured by the knowledge that the last vestiges of the evil Tiger Spirit, Gargos, remain within him. He sets forth to discover an opponent strong enough to purge Gargos’ corruption in the crucible of combat.
while I agree that Gargos & Eyedol should be brought back, that Shago should be available for everyone rather than a specific time table (which yes he is part of Season 1, if these packs claim that you can play as the original 8 characters from Season 1, without Shago it would of been claimed as the original 7 characters, wouldn’t it?), and so on, they really need to fix the story and make sure that they’re not ignoring the elements set up in Season 1 that has that connection with KI2. hell, I would be perfectly fine if the original Double Helix explination that this sequel (as it truly is) does connect with KI2, but the events were retconned. as long as there is some kind of explination, then the story is fine with me. as for another shadow character, I have to agree with everyone here and that they shouldn’t do it. especially if they made it a limited a time deal that they did with Shago. as much as I find MKX a disappointing game, at least they allowed all of their characters to be available.
Excuse me, you said and i quote ” Very difficult to bring back Eyedol. Very cheap character with very simple moves”……………Thats funny Iron galaxy because based on what you did with Jago some of his move set was stolen off of Demitri Maximoff from Dark Stalkers. Also shouldn’t that be a challenge for creators such as yourself, to make a character that was made 20 YEARS AGO and make them better. He was in one of the 2, I repeat in 1 of the 2 killer instinct games! Its not like we get a damn killer instinct game every 4 years like street fighter and MKX. So bring him the hell back. Oh and your talking about cheap Spinal and Cinder in the originals come on bro. You should dedicate your time to finishers, and retro stages and no mercy. That Aria finisher animation though…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….no
I aint suger coating shit, I know this is going to get a shit ton of dislikes but the truth hurts, and chill with the shadow characters one was enough, this isn’t street fighter. chill with the shotos.
Instinto assassino não é Lutador de Rua !
Estão estragando o jogo ! Só falta mudar o nome do jogo para INSTINTO DE RUA ,pelo amor de Deus ,
entreguem o jogo pra Capcom de uma vez
1994 verdadeiro instinto assassino !
shadow characters its a lost of time, would be better invest on ultimates, humiliation, no mercy…
They could do it again the community fund, but with a value a little higher so they could raise enough to make it work, and so bring everything you would like to see in the game: Ultimates, stage finishers etc …
Their argument against bringing Eyedol back is the worst I have ever heard. All the characters have been reworked, given new moves, balanced. I can think of at least 5 combo openers he could have, and new moves as well. To say he was cheap… so was Spinal (one of my fave characters) when the computer used him, that’s how the game was programmed. It’s up to them to make a character ‘not cheap’ and well designed now. I think they are just upset they gave Aganos a club inspired by Eyedol so now they feel trapped in character design. BRING BACK EYEDOL!
I also agree another Shadow character is a waste, work on finishing the game instead of making clone characters. Bring back Ultimates, fix the stage fatal animations (Aria’s stage *coughcough*), bring back No Mercy’s, and give us ALL the original casts.
Respeite as opiniões e comentários aqui .
Eyedol é importante para instinto assassino ( minha opinião particular )
Cada um tem opinião própria
Você é um idiota repugnante !
Tenho certeza que a ferro galáxia é inteligente o suficiente para trazer Eyedol e Gargos de volta !
Por favor não digam que Eyedol e Gargos são difíceis de trazer eles de volta !
Falo em respeito aos fãs de instinto assassino e por mim, que sempre joguei , mesmo em mais de 20 anos esperando o jogo voltar e voltou !
If they bring back others finishers that be good also it play like ki2 so they should put no mercy an ultimate two finishers that wat ki made to do
Eyedol tem que voltar !
Eyedol jamais pode ficar de fora de killer instinct
Ele é a cara de killer instinct !
I bought Shadow Jago Day One, Ultra Edition, Game disc, etc. for KI. Thank you community fund all who made Shadow Jago possible. Thank you MS/IG for making a great Character. Keep up the great work.
Shadow Jago is the only one with an Ultimate “WHAT A EFFING BUMMER”!
@Michael T Simpson
They haven’t ruled them out for Season 3 but chances are unlikely well get them in S3.
Community fund for redesigned retro stages and or ultimate for every character
Por favor esta muito desbalanceado a quantidade de energia que alguns persongens tiram no jogo, como jago ,spinal, glacius e sablewolf, porfavor retirem as finalizacoes com shadow ,pois nao sao todos os personagens que finalizam com shadow ,e os personagens que finalizam causam muito danos ,seria um sonho se voces arrancarem do jogo o caunter bracket ,esse movimento é injusto de mais.
please re-design concep cinder and sabrewulf!
bring back Eyedol amd Gargos please!!!!
Please give proper background/ending stories for all the characters this time! Not just a handful only becuase they were new… While all the rest are left unchanged from season one. More tie-ins in the story as well would be super.
And one simple request. Give Sabrewulf a voice! And have him say something this time. He can read and I know he can speak because of the long noooo he says when losing a round. That would be downright fanatic!
Other than that. More merchandise! Toys, plushes, shits, posters, framed art, etc!
next community fund should go for every character getting ultimates
My game freezes ever since Shago released. I’ve tried everything from disconnecting to uninstalling. Hopefully this resolves long before S3. This is bull shit. Let me play my favorite ducking game Xbox! You sub par piece of shit.
If there’s potential for a second Shadow character I would cast my vote towards Shadow Orchid. That would be bad ass!
As for second guest character…if it’s a Rare character…Ms. Dark? I don’t think she really has the pre designed moveset though….Banjoo would be way too out of character. Conker? That’d be weird. I personally have no issue with guest characters the way some people do in relation to MKX. Having the xenomorph is pretty cool but not very excited for Halloween guy.
I hope there’s a monstrous new boss character if the others can’t be resurrected.
Don’t you mean Leatherface from Texas Chainsaw Massacre? The Halloween guy is Michael Myers and he’s not in MKX.
Ps4 need okay for killer instinct
No Adan Cody just no
Doesn’t look like Eyedol will be coming back which is unfortunate but kinda had a feeling he wouldn’t. Gargos IS definitely in Season 3 though don’t care what anyone says. But that’s a relief Tusk will be available upon launch cause I wanted him the most!
Disappointed in hearing more than one guest will be in. Please don’t sell out like MK. Everyone needs an Ultimate too. And definitely bring back Eyedol.
Excellent, awesome, neat, and cool interview highlights with AND Killer Instinct Season 3 info and details from Microsoft’s Creative Director, Adam Isgreen 😀 ^__^
Will Killer Instinct be released on Steam?
As much as I would love it to, it doesn’t seem likely. Microsoft looks like it wants to keep it a Windows 10 exclusive, so I would think that they would keep the game in their own store.
Trevor go home. You’re drunk
Eyedol é uns dos ícones de killer instinct ! Eyedol tem que voltar ! Sua presença é obrigatória ….em minha opinião até mais que Gargos !!!!
Well I hope that the characters from previous seasons that will be reworked is classic sabrewulf and fulgores classic.
Eyedol não fara parte da temporada 3 ???
Doesn’t look like it.
EYEDOL! Needs to make his way back! Sure he was a cheap boss character will only a couple of moves but that’s were brainstorming can really make him a badass!
First of all, my apologies if I don’t write something correctly because I don’t speak English well.
I don’t want another shadow character. Shago was a good addition (even making an extra payment for that special event) because was something special, but making it an habit wouldn’t be great… Dedicated players like us are buying Ultra or Combo Breaker edition of each season, and now, with the 3rd season, is a considerable amount of money. Specially if we buy the next Ultra edition again (as I will do again). So… making another shadow character? I feel it would be the laziest option because shadow characters should be some kind of clone characters. Yes, Shago has unique properties, movements, etc, but I don’t want a roster made with half original characters and half E. Ryus or Violent Kens wannabes. Why not another new character?
I hope you understand what I wanted to explain and thank you very much for your time 😀
Oh! And please! Bring humiliations and no mercy movements back!