OMEN (2.3 UPDATE) Release Balance Changes

The Omen (2.3 Update) release arrives this Friday. Iron Galaxy just posted the details of the changes on the ultra-combo forums. You can read them there or below!

System Changes:
•   White health healing rates will increase over time if you aren’t hit, letting you heal large amounts of white health faster if you play safely.
•   If throws and projectiles/attacks hit on the same frame previously, the throw would take priority.  Now, the projectile/attack will take priority. This should eliminate a number of inescapable setups on wakeup across most characters.
•   Previously, when a combo ended with the opponent standing after a KO, there was 1 frame in which that character could still be hit and a new combo would start.  This has been fixed, removing “deadbody” infinites from the game.
•   Characters can now tech out during Blowout reactions if their opponent attempts a Counter Breaker. 
•   The window for performing an Auto Double after a jump in attack is now checked dynamically, so it should no longer be possible to perform a blocked Auto Double after a jump in.  If it isn’t going to combo, you’ll get the neutral version of the button you pressed instead.
•   Fixed a bug that caused character’s gravity values to get stuck when getting hit out of the start of their Counter Breaker attempt by an opponent’s projectile.

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•   You are no longer allowed to use Ultra Enders during a Grab animation, as this was breaking the attacker out of the animation while the reacting player just got slammed around.
•   Fixed a bug that allowed players to perform unbreakable combos by canceling into shadow enders during an attack’s hitstop. This may make some of your cancels hit a frame or two later than you are used to but was necessary to avoid unbreakable combos.
•   Fixed a bug where non-comboed sequential wall splats resulted in a blowout.
•   Fixed a bug where characters could not perform an Ultra following an Opener that started a combo.
•   Fixed a bug where starting a combo with projectiles lead to not being able to perform and ultra.

•   If Jago completes one revolution of his Around the World auto double series, he generates a little bit of instinct meter for himself.
•   Fixed a bug where Shadow Eclipse was breakable as an ender following a manual.
•   Fixed a bug preventing Shadow Hail projectiles from destroying themselves properly if Glacius used a Counter Breaker.
•   Victims of Glacius’ throws are no longer vulnerable to attacks until after Glacius plays his throw damage event.  This prevents a game crash that occurred if a projectile hit before Glacius did.
•   Lowered vulnerable boxes on a number of moves to fix Thunder being able to jump out of Riptor’s Flame Carpet, or avoid its combos.
•   Fixed a missing kara cancel window for Shadow Call of Earth. 
•   Fixed a bug where Thunder’s enders were higher priority than shadow moves when canceling a manual attack.

•   Fixed a bug that prevented Sadira from doing Linkers after Manuals if the combo was opened with an Instinct Web
•   Fixed a bug that was preventing Sadira from attempting a counter breaker during the super freeze startup of Shadow Linker Blade Demon.
•   Blade Demon moves had a bugged amount of hit-shake on block in some situations, causing some characters to vibrate out of control. 
•   Fixed a bug preventing players from inputting their next move as early as other characters during a heavy punch auto double.

•   Lowered vulnerable boxes on a number of moves to fix Orchid being able to avoid Riptor’s Flame Carpet.
•   Orchid now has collision when falling from her airthrow to make follow ups more consistent.  
•   Orchid can no longer summon Firecat when falling down from an air counter breaker, preventing a few safe counter breaker setups.
•   Fixed a bug that was preventing Orchid from attempting a counter breaker during the super freeze startup of Shadow Linker Fire Cat.

•   Fixed a bug that prevented Spinal from doing Linkers after Manuals if the combo was opened with a Heavy Searing Skull

•   Devastation Beam deals additional Potential Damage on hit.  It also deals this Potential Damage on block!  Devastating!
•   During Instinct Mode, Fulgore can press HP+HK to perform a Reactor Charge, gaining 1 pip. 

TJ Combo:
•   Fixed a bug that let TJ get medium manuals off of a light Spin Fist Linker.
•   Fixed a bug that caused enders to be blockable after Light Punch manuals.
•   Fixed a bug that was preventing TJ from attempting a counter breaker during the super freeze startup of Shadow Linker Flying Knee.
•   Fixed a bug that prevented Heavy Auto Doubles from comboing in some situations off of Tremor and Flying Knee linkers.
•   Made it possible to combo into Level 4 Powerline Ender and Level 3 Tremor Ender from a crouching light kick manual.

•   Lowered vulnerable boxes on a number of moves to fix Maya being able to avoid Riptor’s Flame Carpet.
•   Fixed a bug causing Maya to play the wrong animation when being thrown forward by another Maya.

Kan Ra:
•   Fixed a bug where Kan-Ra’s level 2, 3, and 4 Scarab Swarm enders would not face the opponent if Kan-Ra changed sides mid combo. This frequently happened following a Shadow Dervish.

•   Run Back HP is no longer counted as airborne until frame 3.  This used to allow her to guarantee that, at worst on wakeup, she would take an air hit, meaning only a character with a bit forward moving recapture could punish her.
•   Increased block pushback on Riptor’s crouching flame breath and instinct crouching frame breath to prevent a block infinite.
•   Fixed a bug that allowed Riptor’s heavy shoulder charge and level 2 run to absorb multiple hits with superarmor.
•   Fixed a bug where Riptor’s Shadow Shoulder Charge was not punishable by shadow counters.
•   Fixed a bug that prevented the ground bounce from Jumping Heavy Kick from working on a crouching opponent.
•   Ultra Ender is now unblockable to fix a rare case where it could be blocked.
•   Adjusted the cancel window on Standing Close HP to be closer to the active frames so it feels more natural.
•   Fixed a bug where Riptor could cancel her Shadow Talon Rake Linker into other linkers, which is forbidden by the combo system.
•   Fixed a bug preventing Riptor’s Level 3 Tail Flip Ender from leaving the ground.
•   Fixed a bug where Riptor’s Level 4 Tail Flip Ender could whiff the first hit.
•   Adjusted proximity boxes on Riptor’s predator stance moves to follow the rules for other attacks.
•   Fixed a bug that caused the ground version of Tail Flip to not ever have attack boxes while cursed by Kan-Ra.
•   Fixed a bug that caused players to blow out during Riptor’s stage ultra.
•   Fixed a bug that forced players to break Tail Flip attacks with the wrong strengths.


About Amir Abdollahi

Co-founder/Writer For Killer Instinct Central