Textual Stream 2/20/15 – Aganos Trailer! XP Changes! Kan-Ra Retro!

This week’s textual stream brought to us all by Creative Director Adam Isgreen was accompanied with a ton of great content including the Aganos trailer with reveal of “ghost girl”. Read below learn more about XP changes and see Kan-Ra’s retro outfit. You can read it here on the ultra-combo forums or below:

Hello all,

It’s February 20th, and this week we’ve got Aganos’ trailer release! You can find it RIGHT HERE

We hope you’re all enjoying it. Obviously he’s got a long-standing bone to pick with Kan-Ra. Who will emerge victorious? Find out in the S2 story!

Upcoming character teases

Earlier, we’d teased some of the upcoming cast’s powers, so here’s ones for the three remaining characters:

  • It’s over in a snap.
  • It’s time for a change.
  • I shudder to think about the next hit.

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They should be pretty obvious, really. =)

XP system changes

Last week we ran a feedback thread on the character leveling curves and we received tons of great information and ideas on how to improve this part of KI. Thanks to your suggestions, here is the list of changes that will take affect when Aganos releases later this month:

Leveling Curves:

  • The grind to 30 has been lowered a healthy amount and the new cap raise from 31-50 has its own unique 2nd curve, which starts lower than say 20-30.
  • The total number of matches (or time) it takes to go from 1-50 is only roughly about 25% longer than it used to take to go from 1-30!
  • The change is retroactive so characters may jump up levels when this hits (more below).

Mode & Difficulty Bonuses: We are buffing the existing modifiers as follows:

  • Kyle AI or Ranked Leagues = 1.5x XP
  • Killer AI = 1.25x XP
  • Hard AI = 1.15x XP
  • Medium AI = 1.10x XP

Note: These are always active and automatically increase with dynamic difficulty found in Survivor Mode.

We are also excited to reveal that character levels 31-50 are jam-packed with 24 total unlocks, so every level you are getting 1 and sometimes 2 new items at once. There are 21 custom accessory colors, 6 of which are prestige only (cannot be bought) and 3 new colors for your default costume with includes color 9, the ultimate prestige unlock at level 50.

We also want to acknowledge the dedication everyone has put into leveling their characters and want to make sure your efforts are carried forward into the new curves. So we are making this retroactive, which means when we lower the curves, most people will jump up levels! The most significant jumps will be the higher you already are. So anyone that has a level 30 character now will see it jump to level 41 when Aganos drops! All of the associated unlocks (from jumping over levels) up will automatically be there in your Collection when you log-in after the next update.

We hope you like the new XP curves and mode bonuses in this update. As always, let us know in the developer feedback forum what we can do to improve KI.


Not to be outdone by Aganos’ arrival, Riptor and Kan-Ra are sporting some new looks with the Aganos update!

Riptor Premium – Cyber Riptor!


Kan-ra Retro — #notamummy? #nowamummy!






Quote from: CSword123 on February 18, 2015, 08:05:47 AM

How come there has been an avoidance of charge characters in S1/S2? Is it because the inputs might feel too intimidating to new players, or has there just not been a character design that fits the play style?

Avoidance isn’t really the issue. For the returning characters, we’ve been sticking with inputs that are familiar to the original characters. For new ones, we generally build around a playstyle, and we’ve not really had a character design come up that would benefit from a charge input style. Certainly for the future, we’ll keep evaluating each character we build as to what input style works best.

Quote from: Shadsy on February 18, 2015, 11:16:53 AM

Almost all the balance discussion for KI is about high-level play in tournaments and such, but does the team ever talk about balance for low- and mid-level players? One of the big appeals of Killer Instinct is how easy it is to pick up and play compared to more technical games, but with more complicated characters like Aganos coming out, I hope that there’s still consideration being given to letting anyone jump in and have fun with a character of their choice.

We aim to provide fun things for all players to do with each character, regardless of their level of technical complication. That said, I don’t think we’ve been 100% succesful across every character in that regard, but we’ll keep trying. Aganos isn’t actually very hard to play. We think he’s going to be hard to squeeze every ounce out of.

Quote from: Adymunrox on February 17, 2015, 05:39:21 PM

Will Cinder have a rivalry against Glacius similar to the original KI? Just curious…

What do you think?

Quote from: Wanda maximoff on February 17, 2015, 05:46:19 PM

Is ghost girl a modern day ghost or like kan ra and aganos an ancient?

I already posted this, but she died 465 years ago, so now it’s up to your definition of ancient.

Quote from: CoolerThan24 on February 17, 2015, 05:49:27 PM

What character(s), revealed or otherwise, do you think will be a bad match-up for Aganos?

Fulgore and Jago are certainly difficult matchups for Aganos, as they have a lot of tools with which to keep his armor off.

Quote from: themarychain on February 17, 2015, 05:53:16 PM

Any chance for a Skyscraper Stage / Cityscape / Ultratech Headquaters rooftop stage at night for ARIA ? I think that would be a neat arena to fight in.

Wait and see!

Quote from: RandySavage on February 17, 2015, 06:07:13 PM

Will the new story have in game cut scenes with dialogue or more like the original with text?

S2’s story mode has, for each full S2 character, a narrated intro sequence, a story screen between every fight, a narrated rival sequence, and a narrated ending sequence.

Quote from: StarElite on February 17, 2015, 06:29:18 PM

Will ARIA have hair?

Depends on what you consider hair.

Quote from: theunsunghero26 on February 17, 2015, 06:34:36 PM

When designing new characters, how do you make sure they feel like they belong in KI? Not just from a gameplay perspective, but from a design and lore perspective.

Quote from: Sallvatore on February 17, 2015, 08:06:06 PM

When developing a new character, what influences the decisions to give him/her certain abilities? (e.g. fulgure has a teleport, a fireball, and a DP while spinal has a teleport, a resource based fireball and no DP.) Do you try to balance the options with other characters or do you simply make moves to fit the character then worry about balance later?

We focus on a psychological theme for the character first, and by that I mean in terms of player mindset; What should the player worry about? What should they spend their time trying to do? What interesting tricks are they working with? From there, we then work out moves and actual play mechanics.

Quote from: evolve on February 17, 2015, 06:47:21 PM

In relation to Thunder’s development, what made you and DH decide on making the character of Nez Perce origin? Was this due to closer proximity, or were there other reasons for it?

DH did a lot of research, and felt that the Nez Perce represented Thunder’s trials and tribulations best for the new game.

Quote from: CrazyLCD on February 17, 2015, 08:48:14 PM

What is the real direction with retro costumes these days? It seems they are all over the place in terms of sticking in one design direction. Some of them are complete remodels like Jago and Glacius and others are just clothes imitations like Thunder.

Originally, we were going to have simply update the classic costumes, but with Kev onboard, that changed into reimagining them instead. Now, the idea of a guest artist is kind of a neat one after working with Kev, so perhaps a next round of costumes will be from a specific artist…

Quote from: Quancro on February 17, 2015, 09:07:31 PM

How You can describe the battle between Aganos vs Ghost girl .In any terms ..and what mechanism will have ghost girl to make a gorgeous match against Aganos ?

Aganos will punch through her attacks, but that just makes it worse for him.

Quote from: Nightswipe on February 18, 2015, 04:39:39 AM

Are there any plans to add a female announcer into the game?


Quote from: Michael LeRoi on February 18, 2015, 06:26:53 AM

Some time ago, someone asked how Ben Ferris survived KI1, and you answered “Ben Ferris didn’t happened yet”. Does this mean that the entirety of KI1 didn’t happened yet, and this game is meant to be a retelling of KI1? Or is KI1 still the “previous tournament”, but things are not exactly how we remember them?

It means that the old KI games didn’t happen in this new version.

Quote from: Killer Kixmix on February 18, 2015, 07:50:31 AM

Any word on new game modes, like Tag Team or anything else? I thought more news would come by now for other game modes. Just curious

PAX East!

Quote from: JBRAPTOR on February 18, 2015, 03:47:56 PM

What has been the most challenging aspect of Cinder’s design?

Making everyone happy.

Quote from: A A Ron on February 19, 2015, 07:48:52 AM

What are the chances S1 Classic costumes will be revised or redone? Possibly between S2 and S3 or as a final S2 patch? The community is pretty unanimous in its desire for them to be fixed and Kevin Bayliss could certainly do them justice this time.

We have no intention of going back to the S1 costumes, as I’ve said before. If Kev did new costumes for S1 characters, they’d have to be new purchases, outside of the bundles, meaning you’d be paying for them separately.

Quote from: Edrick296 on February 19, 2015, 01:09:01 PM

After season 2 is completed with Aria , Cinder ETC, will you follow KI and make updates, ( balance and/or System changes) if necessary?

Yes, but likely not monthly.

Quote from: Mr Uppercut on February 19, 2015, 02:44:45 PM

Does Ghost Girl have any ties to any of the characters from Season 1?

No. She is new to the lore and represents a new aspect of the KI universe.

Quote from: LuckehShadoZ on February 19, 2015, 03:54:24 PM

will the stage select be changed to look similar to the character grids since we will have 17 stages at the end of the season?

Good question! We currently have no plans to update the stage select screen, but I can understand that it’ll get difficult to scroll through all those stages.

Quote from: BLACKOUT on February 19, 2015, 06:31:46 PM

Will an option to disable negative edge in the game be implemented?

This is not a trivial task, as it would require a complete rewrite of the input handlers. i.e. not planned any time soon

Quote from: kmburXP on Today at 01:30:50 AM

Can we get randomly generated opponents to fight through Survival mode? I mean, one character with random type (classic or new), with random accessories and random colors.

I really like this idea, and we’ll look into how hard it is to implement.

Quote from: Fnrslvr on Today at 05:35:18 AM

The two stage ultras currently in the game are amusing and classy, and notably don’t rely upon dismemberment, disintegration, excessive gore, etc. to leave an impression. Aganos’s stage ultra, on the other hand, harkens back to classic KI in that it features a character disintegrating — more specifically, as far as I can tell at least, the target of the stage ultra is petrified by some sort of beam before being eroded away relatively quickly by the wind. Whilst I’m not necessarily against it, this seems to represent a pretty big leap in terms of what you’re willing to put your characters through.

I’m confused how being banished into a void of space, likely without oxygen and brimming with abyssal horrors or being smashed by a multi-ton wrecking ball so hard that you fly back into an electric sign coursing with power is somehow not… final. Some are simply more open to interpretation than others.

Ok, we’re out! Have a great weekend!


About Amir Abdollahi

Co-founder/Writer For Killer Instinct Central