Killer Instinct Xbox One’s ARIA
ARIA began life as a simulation of… life. Utilizing radically new processing technologies and other technological insight gleaned from a government incident in 1947, the Ultrafine Atomic Technologies Company (founded in 1948) performed research into the simulation of life and human frailty within a computational matrix. The core program ARIA was born of the desire to uplift the human race; to end disease, famine, poverty and push humanity out of what was seen as the primordial muck and mire it wallowed in. This work took on greater and greater meaning for its founder, industrialist Ryat Adams, as his wife was dying of a degenerative disease and he desperately sought a cure for her condition.
Over time, Ryat and the UATC continued to refine and enhance its ARIA humanity simulation program, assigning it more and more complex simulations of the human condition as its capabilities continued to grow and more tech from the government source was understood and exploited. Years passed, and when Ryat finally died, his will included instructions to continually allow ARIA to run her programming as she searched for the solutions to human frailties.
Click here for Aria’s full profile & story information plus her complete move list!!
Videos & Music
Season Two Trailer
Theme Song
Aria real a male!
Aria like woman yes man no boobs happy yay
Aria is a men guy wont like won’t best see like men aria
Aria real men no like woman I want aria is a men
You sexual preference is your business alone, dude.
ARIA (Leak)
(The reason IG created the Shadow Program)
It Assimilates all the intellectual information and personality of every fighter and reactionary combat each specific human using each human’s own known inherited fighting weaknesses and patterns.
You are the only one who is the first to figure it out. Congrats.
Brittany Matthews from The Most Popular Girls In School YouTube series can find a way to beat her. As for what ARIA could be short for, I’m guessing Alien Researcher with Insidious Ambition.
Brittany mathews would not fit in ki..
aria seems to be the terminator meets freaking iron man and brittany matthews is just a girl who knows karate so get the flying fudge OUT
I feel ARIA is going to be some sort of Ultratech creation, similar to Riptor and Fulgore, I think he is personally a cyborg
ARIA is going to be like shang sung in mortal kombat. I bet as a boss character when you fight her she is going to be able to change in to any character she wants to. I bet when playing as her you can just change into that character you are fighting. I hope it isent like that because that would suck big time. You shoud be able to change into any character you want to. That would be awsome
You guys now when RKN is coming out for season 2
ARIA is going to come out in may cant wait
Fulgore has a girlfrend….
Artificiallly Rendered Intelligent Assassin
Artificial. Replicating somehting is my guess
Why am I imagining this person being a seth knockoff
The boss should be a zone,airial,and close range attack kind of character.As fast as sabrewulf and as strong as Thunder for an ultimate challenge to beat.No morphing but,I want original attacks.
I think see might be because if you think about it ultra tech working in secret and than announced the ki tournamentone thing I was thinking about she
might morph like old spinal better yet a better example see would be like geegus from world heroes morphing into characters and during their moves
better than them or can be like seth from sf4 I know we might not know it’s a female but just listen to the name that would be cool to have a female final boss/master of the game
She going to have everyone’s moves
I am thinking “ARIA” is a acronym. Like she is some type of computer program.
So is Aria a female character by any chance? Or we have to wait and see Aria’s true identity including gender when Season 2 arrives?
Also I take it Aria is now the new head/leader of the revived Ultratech?
ARIA is revealed as Ultratechs leader in Orchid Ending 1
Just got confirmation from the xbla stream that aria is in fact a female character. Can’t think of a fighting game that has a female main boss.
It’s an old one but Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles tournament fighters did. Her name was Karai and she was super hard to beat
they also revealed ARIA is an acronym, people were guessing, and so far, all we know is “Artificial R.I.A.”
Dural from Virtua Fighter?
ARIA even reminds me of her.