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Season Three Trailer
Okay i’m just gonna flat out say that if Eyedols not part of season 3, then the KI franchise might lose some of its fans and profit, cause not adding him in here would be like not adding in all the original classic fighters. Plus since they are adding in Gargos, they must add Eyedol. & to top it off, this would be a bad ass if they made his story for him to take revenge on Orchid, Ultratech, and of course Gargos. The fight everyone has been dying to see happen since the 1st & 2nd KI games came out and the players got to experience what it was like to play as and fight them. So yeah, Eyedol is a must Character.
Why does it not say killer instinct one? Eyedol was in the original snes Game.
Put him on season 3 it needs beasts the more the better
Brittany Mathews from The Most Popular Girls In School YouTube series can easily take this guy down, as well as Kim Wu.
That’s a lie.she will get kiled.
Queria muito ver o Eyedol no killer instinct do Xbox One …como um dos chefes final do game
I would love for Eyedol to be the heaviest and most aggressive character in KI3.
Has anyone managed to get the above code to work on KI classic on xbox one? Can’t seem to get it to work for me…
Confirmed on xbox one classic & final versions: To play as Eyedol you choose cinder then when the vs screen comes up hold right and press light punch, light kick, heavy punch, medium kick, medium punch, heavy kick.
Worked for me, thank you