Killer Instinct’s Fulgore
Field Manual-L (FM-L) Part 17b—Special Case Scenario (39a) for Fulgore Mark 03, unit Serial Number: S4.Q4NT.YX-003
Retrieval of the cyborg brain from a partially destroyed unit bearing this unique serial # for transportation to Ultratech Headquarters for repurposing [see Appendix E.7-9b: Repurposing].
DANGER!!! The retrieval of this Fulgore unit’s brain core must be approached with EXTREME CAUTION. Multiple self-destruct and defensive mechanisms have been implemented to keep this brain core from falling into the possession of enemy corporations and/or rogue states. Unit S4.Q4NT.YX-003 is a unique model and is highly adaptable. DO NOT attempt to place its brain core in another unit that is not equipped with Ryatmag™ slot-lock as S4.Q4NT.YX-003 has been known to exhibit rebellious behavior.
Failure to follow directives contained in the FM-L documentation can lead to dismemberment, internal organ failure, chronic illness, brain damage, and death. Failure to keep FM-L information confidential will lead to heavy fines, confiscation of personal property, termination, and imprisonment in an Ultratech private prison complex.
Click Here For Fulgore’s Full Story, Profile, And Complete Move List!
Videos & Music
Season One Launch Trailer
Theme Song
“mutourmon” you deserve a hard slap for saying that.those characters suck.that would be a disgrace if they were to add those characters.kiler instincts vs mortal kombat would be a better idea…
I hope in the next sequel Fulgore regains his entire memory of his former life as Eagle and joins the other hero’s in their fight against Ultratech. Also, if I had to choose which 5 guest characters should be in this game (K.I.3), I would choose Master Chief from Halo, Sarah from Titanfall and Sergeant Marcus Fenix from Gears of War because they are all Microsoft and X-Box exclusive characters plus Brittany Matthews from The Most Popular Girls In School YouTube series. Yes, because Brittany Mathews can fight as good as any of the fighters in this game; not only that, she would also make the perfect new rival for Kim Wu, Sidera and Aria.
Fulgore rules, he was the first character I used and achieved my first ultra with him as well then came spinal.
I wonder if their will be a midnight release or something for fulgore
hopefully everything goes good and the wait is worth it looking forward to playing story mode and seeing fulgore in action soon
Wow so how did no one notice that the above pictures for versions of fulgore are mixed up and in the wrong order. They show ki2 fulgore with KI version and moves and ki2 fulgore with ki moves lol Fulgore didn’t get his chest mark till KI2 dead give away.
I think fulgore will be shown in spinal’s trailer and what would be amazing is if during fulgore’s trailer they announce season 2. Idk about anyone else but I think that season 2 should have more than 8 characters even if we have to wait a bit longer, I want the entire roster back and at the same time I would like to see a few new characters. Hoping for 12 characters season 2 with another pin edition twice as big as well as ki2 arcade. Fingers crossed×)
We now have 2 pictures of fulgore that are official, why still the question mark in the box? We don’t have alot of details but he is confirmed with the pictures and he is in the official trailer, spinal’s picture is updated so should fulgore. Other than that great job on the website as well as keeping us updated on killer instinct, all favorite game as of now!
All time favorite*
Well the page was updated, feel free to delete my comment/suggestion
Fulgore was the shit and that lasers and what happen to the ultimate