Killer Instinct 2/Gold
Name: Gargos
Age: Unknown
Height: Unknown
Weight: Unknown
Occupation: Warlord
The Tiger Spirit, the Supreme Warlord, the Ultimate Servant of Chaos. He has had many names and many appearances to match, all equally deadly. Returning to the ancient world with neither Eyedol nor those responsible for his banishment around to threaten him, Gargos takes his place once more at the head of his devoted cult amidst the shadows. Swiftly recovering the strength lost during his 2000 year exile, he sets his sights on a reign of unopposed fear and brutality.
How To Play As Gargos
Killer Instinct 2: Hold Up At The Character Select Screen And Press Fierce Punch, Medium Punch, Medium Kick, Fierce Kick, Medium Punch, Quick Punch, Quick Kick, Medium Kick.
Killer Instinct Gold: At The Character Select Screen Press Z, A, R, Z, A, B.
Jumping Overhead Slam: Down, Quarter Forward, Forward, Fierce Punch [Great Opener]
Double Claw Dash: Back, Forward, Any Kick [Great Opener]
Shoulder Dash: Down, Quarter Back, Back, Any Kick [Great Opener]
Flame: Down, Quarter Forward, Forward, Quick Punch
Fly: Up, Fierce Punch
Air Fireball: (In Air) Down, Quarter Forward, Forward, Fierce Punch
Shoulder Dash 2: Down, Quarter Back, Back, Medium Kick And Fierce Kick
Jumping Overhead Slam 2: (In Air) Down, Quarter Forward, Forward, Any Kick
Laugh: Down, Quarter Back, Back, Fierce Punch
Uppercut: Forward, Down, Quarter Forward, Fierce Punch
Recovery Move: Down, Quarter Forward, Forward, Fierce Punch
Counter: Back, Quick Punch
Throw: Forward, Fierce Punch
Counter Throw: Forward, Fierce Punch
Pressure Move: Forward, Fierce Kick
Special Moves
Combo Breaker: Down, Quarter Forward, Forward, Any Punch And Any Kick
Air Combo: Down, Quarter Forward, Forward, Any Punch
Last ichorien for season 4
He has vibe of Raiden from mortal kombat and superman
He seek to were pantheon armor
When will we have the redesign on this page?
Your right but,they should never but a guest character like master chief,Sarah,Marcus fenix,and especially brittney Matthews,it just doesn’t make cents.if they would to add those characters might as well add Mario and shriek.kiler instincts vs mortal kombat make more dam cents.
Where you learn to spell my god that was horrible. Its sense not cents
Put not but. Iam correcting what you misspelled in case your womdering
I hope that Eyedol, Kim Wu, Tusk and Gargos will be available for the season three pack for Killer Instinct X-Box One. I hope that the season three pack will also include guest characters like Master Chief from Halo, Sarah from Titanfall, Sergeant Marcus Fenix from Gears of War and Brittany Matthews from The Most Popular Girls In School YouTube series. And I expeshaly hope that this game will inspire someone in Hollywood to create a movie based on Killer Instinct. Not that other movie in the 90s or that horrible cop drama series of the same name ( why the idiots at the Fox Network were trying to sue Microsoft over ownership and the rights of the name Killer Instinct when the K.I.Arcade game came out year’s before that pathetic TV cop drama series that nobody even remembers anymore ) , I mean a real Killer Instinct movie based on the real Killer Instinct, as in the game(s).