Killer Instinct’s Hisako
The year that Chiharu was born the peach tree blossoms clung to their trees longer than anyone could remember, and so her mother and father gave her a name that meant “One thousand springs.” She was the eldest daughter of a rōnin—a samurai without a leader. For her father’s shōgun had been assassinated by a rival, and Chiharu’s father had returned to the village of his birth to start a family and become a farmer.
Being descended from a famous onna-bugeisha (a female samurai), Chiharu’s father felt that it was his duty to train his eldest daughter in the arts of war. The times were dangerous with many warring clans, renegade shōguns, and bandits on the roads; and every member of the village needed to be capable of bearing arms in case of invasion. Around his neck he always wore a strip of red cloth torn from his late shōgun’s battle banner in remembrance of him.
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i thank she is a very cool character but thay should give us her befor she die that way people can choose to play with one or the other
I think they should give us her before she died with a dojo indoor stage
What would her retro be? Would it be her before she was killed?
This is kan ra’s love intrest and she died and kan ra tried to revive her but she came back to kill sadira
lol you must a kid or worse yet..having the imaginatively limited creativity of a kid.
I just recently learned that she is a type of ghost called an Onryo, which is a ghost with the power to avenge itself a his or her own death, expeshaly with deadly results. Wait, does this mean that Freddy Krueger is an Onryo? Don’t get upset, it’s just a question.
That is a good question, however we willl not know anything until she is released. From the way she holds the ninjata it lookls like she wants to fight and joined the battle probably to assist the veterans in the batlle against Aria and new ultratechor to warn them.
She is not joining anyone. Her grave was disturbed by Ultratech. Her gripe with them does not “simply” mean she will join side with whoever that is also against Ultratech lol. Come on now. Movies today have creative storyline (the Dark Knight)… but not this “oh good joining force versus evil child cartoon plot for a kid. Hisako was killed defending her town for her father and others years ago. There is no care or dialogues, language, cultural or anything shared or understanding with those of other time and context.
And please No simple one image with a scrolling dialogue seen in season one and two that has been done since the first main stream fighting game to start all fighting games, Street Fighter II, only because it lacked a lot of memory not and pushed its limit with their current technology available then. Even Tekken 2 way back then tried to have some ending movies for all its fighters. Be next gen.
I wonder what kinda style she plays. she might be slow in movements like Glacius, but her dash might act like a teleport and she attacks really fast.
It’s not Kim Wu guys. Adam said several times Kim would appear in Season 3.
i agree. people who keeps saying kim wu are just dumb as hell. Just because it is an asian girl.. “oh it must be Kim Wu because she is asian!” Hahaha so stupid and racist. It not Kim Wu. She is not Japanese. This Ghost girl is.
Kim wu is Korean the ghost is a Japanese. Jago and Orchid are Chinese. Her parents may have been also murded by Spinal during his worldwwide pillaging as a pirate or something. point is –KIMWU IS NOT THE GHOST, jeez.
Adam said she’s new to the lore guys stop saying oh she must me dead because of spinal
Spinal may not have killed her, i know but in spinals stage, there are ghostly figures in the background…….she could be just a random fighter the mask may have summoned. Anyways, thank you for reminding me that she is indeed a new character. I did not take it into consideration that she is new. Thanks
Jago is from Tibet actually
yes thatis true but Tibbet is is the Asian continent though..bottom line my point is the ghost is not kiw wu
Tibet was taken over by The Chinese. So Jago and Orchid could be a True Tibetan or Chinese actually. Therefore, for Terrance said may be correct.
Jago is assumed tibetan since he was dropped off as an orphan to a tibetan monestary and orchid is assumed to be tibetan as well since KI 2 claims they are siblings, so you’re wrong
Maybe another nationality idk for certain i may be wrong. hisako since she is new to ki she could have a conneection to Jago, Orchid, Sadira , Kanra, or Aria. idk I am leaning towards a possible connection to Sadira, then again i could be wrong.
From the look of it she’s got a beef with Spinal for killing her, or that artifact raiseed here from the dead and she cannot find rest untti the artifact is destroyed, or maybe she is a tormenteeed soul and wants to rest, to defat Spinal and destroy that artifact, or she may be warning the veterans of KI of the coming of Aria. Either way…………..mind blown.
I’m just hoping for a name and real picture of her, and possibly Brittany Matthews from The Most Popular Girls In School YouTube series as a guest character followed by Master Chief from Halo, Sarah from Titanfall and Sergeant Marcus Fenix from Guilty Gear. Why? Because those last three are X-Box exclusives and Brittany Mathews would be just as perfect for the game. Besides, if you’ve ever seen that YouTube series that she’s on you would know that she has a black belt in karate, she has a very short temper, has beaten up an 11th grade teenage boy twice, is an expert in explosives and has just as much of a Killer Instinct as anyone else in the game. Also, she would make the perfect new rival for Kim Wu, Sidera and Aria.
Keep your words to your self real ki players will slap and spit on people like you.dumb human.
This is the 4 foot character they mentioned. It’s a little Japanese girl with a broken weapon. I can’t remember the name but it’s a lance with a long blade on the end.
first of all it is called a ninjata. Second of all ,I have seen posts about her having a “thick booty”?! Come on, guys that is a LITTLE girl (ghost or not), grow up!!
This ghost figure seems very interesting and could resemble a female grin reaper type holding a scythe. Now that would be freakin awesome to see. I hope she is terrifying with shadow skill move sets and whatever else
I’m thinking its Kim Wu but they are just trying to throw you off.
I thought it would have been Eagle but since Microsoft confirmed it’s female…, KimWu’s ghost makes sense, but Microsoft confirmed it aint her as they say they got big plans for her and Tusk possibly hinting Season 3.
I’m starting to wonder if it’s realy Kim Wu as a ghost who got killed by spinal or something. Now that would be fricken awesome.
Must be a female ghost too judging by its overall character design AND outline. At the same time this all-new KI character somehow gives off this femaleness vibe to it and to me too
It’s a female ghost. Season 3 is when we will see Kim Wu, Tusk, Eyedol, and Gargos return. Also will be some more new characters. They also said that No Mercies should be back by then.