Welcome to the Killer Instinct Central ‘Community Interview Feature’ where we interview YOU about gaming and Killer Instinct! This week features Brent Martinez, so read on for this Killer Instinct fans love for gaming and, of course, KI…
KIC: Tell us a bit about yourself. How long have you been playing video games?
Brent: My name is Brent Martinez, I’m an 19 year old college student in Texas. I’ve been playing video games since I was 4 or so, back on the original Xbox.
KIC: Is there any particular video game that led to you picking up gaming as a hobby?
Brent: I suppose the first game to get me into gaming was Sonic the hedgehog 2 on genesis, my cousin loan me and my sister his genesis. It was because of the two player in that game that showed me how fun games could be.
KIC: Let’s talk Killer Instinct. What is it about the franchise that makes you a fan?
Brent: Killer Instinct, wow what a franchise. I got into KI after looking through the company Rareware. I first played Dk country on snes and liked what I played I ended up looking into Rareware, saw what they made next and it was some fighter called Killer instinct. I had never played a fighter before other than a dabble in mk9. I was intrigued because of the characters, seemed very radical compared to other games. I ended up picking up KI on snes and boy was I in for a learning curve, never have I been frustrated in learning a game. But what kept me coming back was the crazy combo system, badass characters, and fantasic music. All of that made me a fan for life and I was super excited when I heard a new KI was coming to Xbox one. Today I still play KI3 whenever I can’t play with friends in another game.
KIC: What character is your main and why?
Brent: My main, in all 3 games. Is the one and only Fulgore. The cybernetic warrior drew my attention from the start as I saw the cover of the snes cartridge. Not to mention he looked like a perfect combination of predator and terminator. His balanced fighting style made me love the character, and his theme from ki 2. He is the face of KI, and my favorite fighter in any fighting game.
KIC: The music is one of the things that really defines the franchise. What song is your jam?
Brent: Music for sure has a big draw in KI for me. My favorite track from any of the KI’s is definitely Cinder’s theme. The guitar is just my weakness and it’s fantastic. I love what Mick Gordon did with the new version and I blast it any chance I get in the car.
KIC: Killer Instinct has a wide range of character types including cyborgs, a wolf, aliens, a dinosaur, and more. What character type currently NOT featured in the franchise would you like to see?
Brent: What character type should be introduced? Well I wouldn’t mind seeing a gill man/ creature from the black lagoon appear as a water based fighter. It would definitely round up the already classic trope of universal monsters in the game (Sabrewulf, Mira, Kan-ra)
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KIC: What would you want and expect from a brand new Killer Instinct?
Brent: I would like a full fledge cutscene based story mode similar to the netherrelam games, just so we could see all these fantastic characters interact with each other. I’m hoping Microsoft sees the potential this franchise has and is already working on KI4.
Bonus Questions…
KIC: Favorite Console?
Brent: Sega Dreamcast
KIC: Favorite game:
Brent: Sonic adventure
KIC: Favorite Game Genre:
Brent: Adventure/platformer
KIC: Favorite Gaming musician:
Brent: Mick Gordon
KIC: Favorite Game studio:
Brent: Rareware
Thank you Brent for your participation in this interview! You can challenge Brent in Killer Instinct at Gamertag Silentdagger17.
The KIC ‘Community Interview Feature’ is open to everyone, so if you’d like to be a part of it, just send an email to killerinstinctcentral@hotmail.com with ‘KIC Interview’ in the subject line and we’ll get back to you ASAP!
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