Welcome to the Killer Instinct Central ‘Community Interview Feature’ where we interview YOU about gaming and Killer Instinct! This week features Jacky Redford Jr., so read on for this Killer Instinct fans love for gaming and, of course, KI…
KIC: Tell us a bit about yourself. How long have you been playing video games?
Jacky: I’ve been playing games ever since I can remember, and I think the first game I actually remember playing was Frogger, and then Street Fighter 2 with all of my cousins growing up (played Ryu and fireballed them all to death lol)
KIC: Is there any particular video game that led to you picking up gaming as a hobby?
Jacky: As one of the smaller and youngest cousins out of my family, I felt that all athletic competitions we’re heavily against my favor, so I felt like I needed to be good at something to beat them in. So, I went to the arcade one day and found SF2 and KI1, and that’s when I knew I just wanted to keep playing fighters, more specifically KI, and then that led to me just enjoying games as a whole
KIC: Let’s talk Killer Instinct. What is it about the franchise that makes you a fan?
Jacky: Everything. The characters, the stages, the music, the atmosphere, the gameplay, and the nostalgia. I grew up playing KI Gold at home with my Dad, and that fueled the competitive flame in my heart to win. I didn’t like free wins, I wanted to earn it, so I played it every day until I had blisters (good ol N64 buttons), wrapped them up, and kept playing. That, and the game is so easy and so cheap to get into, that no one has an excuse to not try it!
KIC: What character is your main and why?
Jacky: Jago at first, since I grew up with a rather unhealthy obsession with ninjas. But eventually I got good with him in KI Gold, and then with the 2013 release, I had no questions as to who I was maining. I love the fact that he’s not the best at every playstyle, and I am still finding tech for him even to this day. I then moved to Fulgore, simply because who doesn’t like a Terminator/Predator/Robo Cop that just beats the hell out of everyone? Since then, I’ve made it a goal to grind everyone out and be proficient with the whole roster, solely because the game is just that fun, and it’s that easy to dive into and learn a new character.
KIC: What is your preferred game mode to play in and why?
Jacky: I usually stick to multiplayer, specifically Ranked/Exhibition. For one, I feel the ranking system could be better, but I still think it’s ok. And with exhibition, I can grind out match ups and learn a lot of things from endless sets with people.
KIC: How do you feel about guest characters being introduced to the franchise?
Jacky: I actually like the guest characters. As long as they’re done well, I think guest characters are a great addition. Not only do they bring the attention of the games and communities from where they come from, they offer their own history, lore, and unique play styles that freshen up the roster.
KIC: The music is one of the things that really defines the franchise. What song is your jam?
Jacky: Ooh, that’s a tough one. All of them are great, but for in game music, I usually go with RAAM’s theme. For personal listening, I usually go with either Jago’s or Cinder’s theme.
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KIC: Killer Instinct has a wide range of character types including cyborgs, a wolf, aliens, a dinosaur, and more. What character type currently NOT featured in the franchise would you like to see?
Jacky: I don’t even have a clue as to what else they could add. I would like a Bo-Staff user, but I’m not exactly sure of the trope they would fulfill, since that’s what all of the current characters exude.
KIC: What would you want and expect from a brand new Killer Instinct?
Jacky: Just more. I think the game is perfect, minus a few bugs. I would like to see more lore, interactive intros (like in the recent NRS games), and more customization for all the characters. I just want more of everything KI can offer.
Bonus Questions…
KIC: Favorite Console?
Jacky: Is all of them an acceptable answer?
KIC: Favorite Game?
Jacky: KI/Metroid Prime 2
KIC: Favorite Game Genre?
Jacky: Fighting games for life!
KIC: Favorite Gaming Musician?
Jacky: Mick. Gordon.
KIC: Favorite Game Studio?
Jacky: Iron Galaxy (KI)/Retro Studios (Metroid Prime series)
Thank you Jacky for your participation in this interview! You can learn more about Jacky via Twitter and challenge in Killer Instinct at Gamertag ToD Mr Diddelz.
The KIC ‘Community Interview Feature’ is open to everyone, so if you’d like to be a part of it, just send an email to killerinstinctcentral@hotmail.com with ‘KIC Interview’ in the subject line and we’ll get back to you ASAP!
Kelvin, galaxy leader .
Sol Dakuri , Living souls .
Tatsunaria, possessed samurai who is hisako father and give her samurai swords .
Merlin, hermit druid old friend of & father of nighguards .
Hydra , merfolk gladiator who his kingdom been destory by gargos .
Dahlia, dark flower gypsy telekinetic .
Mercury, travel time speedster .
Gron , berserker gorilla .
Hannibal, Cannibalism Empowerment wendigo.
Hecaton , living hive .
Feng , mistblade shinobi .
Zomo, zombies Shapeshifter .
Maokai, heartwood treefolk .
Tornado , Aerokinesis Djinn .
Doc western, outlaw Gunslinger .
Gunnar, armored police officers .
Dr Erin Gupte , UltraTech scientist .
Southwark, cynical detective .
Kara , UltraTech agent .
David master , famous star .
Leostien , werepanther .
Lilly , snapping creeper .
Psycho, killer clown .
Mage , disciples wizard .
Gaurda, Muay Thai .
gigantes, muscled mutant .
El obsbian, aztec luchador champion .
Corax, heavenly harbinger of war tengu.
Whipmaster, Matador.
Airzone : mutant harpy.
Frank Victor : Frankenstein monster.
Skwirm, mother of monster .
Blur , chameleon stalkers
Vlad : vampire lord of coven.
Hypnox : lovecraftian apocalypse .
Boltstrike : corrupted weather demigod.
Desvator : ceo ultratech betrayed of alliances.
Vayrewn , Shadow knight warlord .
Minos : minotaurs emperor.
Nurgle : time death reaper .
Great interview KIC
Agreed! Btw, you should do an interview since you are the KIFANATIC afterall!
Maybe, just maybe Travis ;)u