KIC Site Changes For May 28th, 2018

So I’ve gotten around to making some changes around the website this morning. Killer Instinct is still alive and well thanks to its enormous and wonderful fanbase, but the game itself isn’t exactly seeing any more content–for now!–is it? Well with that being the case, I’ve removed a few things here and there that seemed irrelevant for the time being, added one new thing, and changed a few others. Here’s the run down…

  • Ads- For now, I’ve removed all ads on the site. So you’ll no longer see google ads in the sidebar or footer.
  • Subscription Link- The subscription link to our news feed has been moved to the sidebar.
  • Eagle- I finally added Eagle to the roster on the main page! I’m still missing a couple of others, but they’re coming!
  • Featured Stories- The big featured story section above the roster has been temporarily removed. With no big news as of late, it being there featuring news from 2016/2017 seems a bit counter productive, doesn’t it?
  • Websites Menu- Rare Minion has been changed to Rare Thief and I added KIC’s new sister site, Sea of Thieves Central!
  • Copyright Info- This was old! Previously the copyright info was listed as 2013-2015; now it reflects the website’s launch year and the current year, 2013-2018! About time, right?!
  • Forums Link- Well… we don’t exactly have a KIC forum any more, so why was that link still there? It has now been removed.

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That’s all of the updates and changes to the site for now. If you have any suggestions for changes and/or content you’d like to see added to KIC, please let me know in the comments!


About Daniel Durock

Founder/Writer For Killer Instinct Central. SAG-AFTRA Actor Since 2017! Twitter: @danieldurock