Killer Instinct’s Maya
A member of a secretive and ancient clan of monster hunters called the Night Guard, Maya has lived her entire life with the knowledge that the world is a much scarier place than most will ever see. While humans believe themselves to have grown beyond childish boogeymen and creatures of myth, Maya and her order know that they indeed exist, and travel the globe to hunt and eliminate these threats as they attempt to prey on humanity.
Maya and her twin sister Mira grew up in the Guard’s timeworn citadel in the Andes—the only home they’d ever known. They listened with rapt attention to the stories of adventure and intrigue from the Guard’s members after they had returned from their missions. They learned that monsters wear many faces…sometimes even human ones.
Both girls loved the honeycomb of maze-like passages below the temples, and spent countless hours exploring them, much to the chagrin of their father and the rest of the order, who repeatedly warned them of the dangers of the many arcane items and antiquities kept deep in the dark places below the headquarters. Maya became fascinated by a certain set of golden daggers uncovered in the vaults after the destruction and immolation of the horror—the sorcerer Kan-Ra—who once ruled the Andean citadel.
Click Here For Maya’s Full Story, Profile, And Complete Move List!
Videos & Music
Season Two Trailer
Theme Song
And hands down her attacks are not fast and it dont do crap for damage even with out dagger super her normal attacks as a 40 hit combo just brakes half a health bar
She needs unlimited dagger throws defalt Jago has unlimited blasts and kin ra and glacious has crowed control not close to fare
I want Brittany Matthews from The Most Popular Girls In School YouTube series as a guest character in the game. Why? She combines her expert Martial Arts/Karate skills with her incredible cheerleader/acrobatic moves, has a very short temper, loves to fight, has beaten up an 11th grade teenage boy twice and would make the perfect new rival for Kim Wu, Sidera and Aria.
@Mutourmon Who the hell is Brittany Matthews? Actually, nevermind, she’s probably not that important.
Maya dont have a stage ultra on her stage???????
Her dagger throws need to be worked better they don’t want to work 30‰ of the time
I think most of her moves are fairly easy to dodge… that’s unfortunate but I like her still.
Maya my girl! Soon you will be in KI3