New Killer Instinct Patch Now Available

A new patch for Killer Instinct is available now that attempts to fix a few bugs that has been plaguing the game recently. As addressed on the Ultra-Combo forums, the issue is quite complex and has easily been rectified. After you’ve updated the game, you should be at version 390120. Once that has been confirmed, be on the look out for any of the potential issues below…

Is the Weekly Free Rotating Character message appearing?
Is Daily Rewards working? You can tell by:
a. If you have not played for over a day, should be 0/4 when you open it with no tasks completed.
b. If it says more (1/4, 4/4) look at what tasks have been completed. If 1 (play a match) confirm you really have not played in over 26 hours to be safe. If all tasks are completed and you did not do any of them, it’s bugged.
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Is your Double XP VIP bonus missing? If you have season 3 ultra or KI DE you should see the 2x XP Icon flashing when selecting characters. If it is not there, it’s bugged.
Is Shin Hisako Greyed out when you try to select her (character select screen in any mode)? If yes, when you select her, does it take you to the store, which then shows he is installed and you own her? This is the bug, there is no way to reinstall or force her to work.
In Multiplayer Exhibition or Lobby Modes (NOT RANKED), can you see the “Allow Cross-Network” option? If you only see Allow Cross Play, this is the bug.

If you’re having any of the above issues, please refer to the forums and address your concerns there so Microsoft/Iron Galaxy can continue to work through it should the issues continue.


About Daniel Durock

Founder/Writer For Killer Instinct Central. SAG-AFTRA Actor Since 2017! Twitter: @danieldurock