Killer Instinct’s Omen
Omen is a blue-hued demon—an Astral being created by the Shadow Lord known as Gargos. Proclaiming proudly to all that he is the “Herald of Gargos,” he serves his master obsequiously. Omen was formed from the very thoughts of his maker, for in the Astral Plane certain powerful creatures like Gargos—a member of a race of demigods called Ikkorans—can force reality to bend to their imaginings; and through sheer force of will create “living” beings.
Dog-like, servile, and unquestioning, Omen gladly slays anyone who stands in the way of his master. He has no compassion for humans whom he sees as lesser beings. Omen was promised his own kingdom here on Earth once Gargos rules the planet. And Omen’s first slaves will be the Killer Instinct heroes, and anyone else who has the audacity to stand up to Gargos. Omen will torture them and inhabit their bodies…steal their thoughts and crush their souls.
Click Here For Omen’s Full Story, Profile, And Complete Move List!
Videos & Music
Season Two Trailer
Theme Song
Does anyone know how to make omen offline
Can’t seem to download him or cinder in Xbox store have every other character minus him
My favourite Killer Instinct X-Box One Season Two character trailers so far are TJ Combo,Riptor, Omen, Aganos and that female ghost ( which probably won’t come out until around the end of March ) because of the narration. Also, I hope that Microsoft and Dubble Helix Games will include Brittany Mathews from The Most Popular Girls In School YouTube series as a guest character.
I really hope they don’t because It would just not make cents at all.shes not bad ass enough.
SORRY “HE” SUCKS!!!!!!!!!
When are they ganna show his ultra
He should just be shadow jago, he’s a glowing shadow figure with a unique moveset, could’ve just given all that to shadow jago and that’d be fine. Very underwelming, good thing he isn’t part of the 8 because I’m not impressed. Only want to see the trailer to hear the music and see the tease, skipping January and waiting for February.
This guy is going to capture a lot of attention, I’ve seen Maximillians video on this guy and he says he is the only character to use all 3 stocks in return for a special.. Has everybody forgotten about fulgore?
Personally I think his special stock move may be similar to that of his trailer, possess the body and accumulate damage similar to Maya’s level 6 dagger ender!
But hey, I’m just speculating, cannot wait!
I wonder will omen have a recapture move
Omen, the Herald of Gargos, is now born and unleash!