Killer Instinct’s Spinal
In clearer moments, when the insanity of his ancient bane isn’t fully in control, Spinal remembers snippets of his previous existence, before he was cursed, when he was human, feared, and rich….
Recruited by a scheming vizier in ancient Babylon, Spinal and his bandit network were hired to disrupt the city’s flow of resources—one small move of the Vizier to lessen the King’s power by constricting his wealth. The monarch proved too wise however, and the conspirators were rooted out, captured, and subjected to sorcery. Each was burdened with a curse that would unravel their bodies and minds in unique and diabolical ways.
As punishment for his rebellion against rule, Spinal was shackled to a powerful artifact of control: the Mask of the Ancients. This accursed veil turned Spinal into an unthinking arm of the King’s will, bound to protect and serve the potentate, with no ability to question even the most suicidal of orders. The Mask did not prevent rebellious thoughts and free will; but it overrode any attempt to disobey the King’s commands.
Click Here For Spinal’s Full Story, Profile, And Complete Move List!
Videos & Music
Season One Launch Trailer
Theme Song
K.I. 1 Spinal and K.I.2 Spinal are the same look , not alternate one’s. But what I would really like is Brittany Mathews from The Most Popular Girls In School YouTube series as a guest character.
That is a terilble idea go kill yourself for thinking of that..
Wow they did great with spinal as well, I am excited to play the game.
Bump all the Bullshit Where the Hell is T.J.Combo..He the main major Big shiot in KI this aint shity without ..Eat it!
TJ Combo Suck Balls, i’d have everyone else but new characters come before him.
Keep in mind that all the characters are sort of reimagined, combo was a little goofy but he owned his name. He had some badass combos especially his ultra. And with instinct mode unique to each character I think they’re going to go with the ufc fighter route. But on that note cinder and riptor need to come first, maybe even maya before combo.
I agree. T J Combo was awesome.i wish they would release all of the classic characters instead of this stupid spider bitch Sadira. I’m all for new characters but don’t introduce some new cheesy bitch when you still have awesome characters that for some reason you chose not to remake….
19 days left in January, I predict jan16th is the trailer with fulgore at the end, and the following week will be his release along with 1-2 other character’s classic costume. Also with a new character comes a new stage, better save up on kp. There will probably be a patch as well, some ki classic achievements still don’t unlock and I’m hoping sometime before march they make ki classic online, been dying to play others on that game.
but when do we get him why does no one but me care about the date
Now bring on Fulgore!
Oh yeah, Spinal in pirate attire. He looks really cool and awesome too
Where is kim wu?!!
He looks pretty good, could do without the ship wheel on his back though, way too bulky.
I am with u also on Fulgore being the next new reveal character after Spinal and overall for this season’s roster