Killer Instinct’s TJ Combo
Tyler-Johnson Garrett was born near Galveston Texas, the birthplace of the first African American Heavyweight Champion—the great Jack Johnson—whom TJ’s dad idolized. TJ’s family was poor and they worked hard, and TJ was taught to earn every penny that came into his pocket. His father was a dockworker and a former sergeant in the Army—the kind of man who flew the Stars and Stripes outside his house every day of the year. He trained TJ to fight using a stack of old tires as a heavy bag.
When TJ was twelve years old he got beaten badly in a city league bout. The other kid taunted him when he was down on the mat. TJ had never felt so ashamed. “Life isn’t about winning, son,” his dad told him. “It’s about losing and still keeping on. That’s called grit.”
But TJ wanted revenge. Before he and the other boy fought again, TJ removed some of the padding in his right hand glove and replaced it with a roll of quarters. He broke the other kid’s nose with one punch. The feeling of power was exhilarating. He started using different tricks to cheat, and won a lot of trophies until he finally got caught and was banned from the league. The one good thing in his life was gone.
Click Here For TJ Combo’s Full Story, Profile, And Complete Move List!
Videos & Music
Season Two Trailer
Theme Song
Or mma character for rival of Tj combo
Witch best mma fighter or wrestler
Since he is boxer How about new wrestler character
Can be Rival of Tj combo He Wear luchador mask with Aztec power
And he has aztec spirit watch him
I haven’t watched it but saw in the Definitive edition that he has an updated pic which would probably be better than this one. Just letting you know!
He looks a lot better than he originally did in the 1990s, and I can definitely picture him as the coach/manager/personnel trainer of Brittany Matthews from The Most Popular Girls In School YouTube series as a guest character. I would also love it if Master Chief from Halo, Sarah from Titanfall and Sergeant Marcus Fenix from Gears of War became guest characters as well.
I downloaded KI for the first time and it had tj combo only so I bought season one pack (39.99) and now I can’t use tj combo somebody please help me with this.
I have a dumb question . When can you play him in story mode and online ? Reason I’m asking because I bought KI season 2 ultra edition today, and I notice I cant play as him yet in story mode and online mode which kind of sucks mayor balls.
You can play with him online at 15 october, season 2 official date and the story mode come at the end of season 2!!!!
Thank god . I though he wasn’t going to be playable online and in story mode , until all 8 characters of season 2 are revealed .
that is how its going to be. story mode wont be finished until all characters are released
My favorite character! YEAH! EAT IT!
The day shell come and IBlueBoy shell take over with TJ Combo.