Killer Instinct’s Thunder
Thunder grew up on a Nez Perce reservation in Idaho with his younger brother Eagle. They were the grandchildren of a chief, and their parents were both tribal police officers who encouraged their boys to “walk with the law,” keeping the moral high-ground and refusing to give in to negativity and vice. The brothers studied hard in school and were gifted athletes. Thunder was built like a mountain and played football, while Eagle was a wrestler and amateur boxer.
When Thunder was a teenager he went on a vision quest in the wilderness to seek his weyekin or spirit guide that would help bridge the gap between our world and the Spirit World. A great storm came as he sat upon a mountaintop, bolts of lightning striking all round him. His spirit guide came to him at that moment. Thunder saw a flock of crows appear from nowhere, and one them—a great black bird—spoke to him in his native language. It told him that he would fight an evil monster one day, and that he must begin training in earnest with the traditional weapon of Native Americans—the tomahawk. He became obsessed with keeping his heritage alive after that, studying the Nez Perce language, folklore and even traditional medicine with the elders of his tribe, his goal to one day become a teacher at the local Indian college.
Click Here For Thunder’s Full Story, Profile, And Complete Move List!
Videos & Music
Season One Launch Trailer
Theme Song
Don’t know who she is but you must be braindead to say that.
visually he is a beautiful and interesting character, but his gameplay is seriously lacking. he isnt as competitive as the others especially the newly released characters which is very annoying since thinder is my fav.
he urgently needs a recapture move since his only move that was geared at making opponents shorten the distance btw them (call of sky) was removed. maybe even make him a tad faster or his reach longer….
A big improvement over his original look, including his new classic alternate costume. But this game needs Brittany Mathews from The Most Popular Girls In School YouTube series as a guest character along with X-Box exclusive fighters like Master Chief from Halo, Sarah from Titanfall and Sergeant Marcus Fenix from Gears of War.
No it doesn’t.those character suck ass and don’t fit in
Well what do u know??? U called it. They listened to u at least two of ur suggestions. Great.
My friend thunder jaja ok buddy tour bio is this: height: 1,88cm, weight: 92kg, age: 45, eyes: dark brown.ocupattion: adventurer, shaman of america indian chief
I would like to see some new characters join the roster after the remaining cast of originals are done. I’d like to see what ideas Double Helix can bring as fresh combatants. That being said, Chief Thunder looks wicked! I’m so glad they didn’t make him look like Johnny Depp in The Lone Ranger with a taxidermy crow on his head.
Can’t wait to see this guy in action!